Whats wrong with this Vdub setting


May 20, 2003
Leicestershire, UK
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I made a nice high quality 70 MB compresion of Matrix. Looks good for its rez on PC but it crashes my GP32
Here are my Vdub setting for it any help would be great.
Filters> Resize320x240>Precise bilin.
Frame rate 29.970 decimate by 2.9970
Max Quant:20
Min QUant:10
Key frame Int: 400

Conversion: Keep the same
Compresion 24kbits/s 12,000hz stereo

No worries i reopened the file in vdub despite my decimation the frame rate came out at 14.xxx :/ ill try and decimate that down to 10fps. Arrg this is such a head ache. Loving the emulation though :)
atrkidd posted on May 25 2003 said:
you can only decimate by fixed point math :
3 not 3.5
Damn, it accepted the number so i assumed it worked. Thanks for the heads up. Whats the best way to decimate down to 10 but still keep the Visual / Audio sync ?
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JDUK posted on May 25 2003 said:
atrkidd posted on May 25 2003 said:
you can only decimate by fixed point math :
3 not 3.5
Damn, it accepted the number so i assumed it worked. Thanks for the heads up. Whats the best way to decimate down to 10 but still keep the Visual / Audio sync ?
I you use decimation, it will keep A/V sync, but just "changing the frame rate" (option on top of framerate box) won't keep sync.
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Sometimes movies on my PC show up as '24.945 fps' ... i find they often don't work on the GP32, make sure it's an integer as atrkid said.
Yeah - you can't decimate by a non-integer number. If you try, it'll just round it down (i.e. 2.99 or whatever will be rounded down to 2, so you;ll end up with about 15fps)...

Edit : Sorry! Should have read the whole thread. Didnt notice someone had already said that! :rolleyes:
JDUK posted on May 25 2003 said:
Here are my Vdub setting for it any help would be great.
Here are the settings I used. Also, try using the latest and greatest version of VirtualDub. It allows you to set your frame rate to a specific value without guesstimating decimate values.

Just copy the stuff below here and save it in a .vcf file. Then, load your AVI and then load these settings. Then, tweak them to your liking.

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unlucky posted on May 25 2003 said:
heh way gud compression settings jduk thank u :)
You got those to work ? was it with a DVD rip ? Ive had only 1 out of 10 succes rate with ripped DVD's :( im goint to try and use the latest version. Got Matrix cooking as i type (for the 4th time <_< ).

.Avi are fine but i think my problem is the audio track being a seperate file as the only difference from .Avi and DVD rip(faked .avi) is the sound is Avi on the 1st and a seperate .Wav on the second.
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JDUK posted on May 26 2003 said:
.Avi are fine but i think my problem is the audio track being a seperate file as the only difference from .Avi and DVD rip(faked .avi) is the sound is Avi on the 1st and a seperate .Wav on the second.
I am a bit confused as to what you are trying to do, but yes, those settings work fine for me. If u do not mind, please explain in detail what you are doing exactly.

As for the Audio and Video being in separate files, if the Audio is a WAV file then VirtualDub can very easily put the two together into one AVI without synch problems. At least I have never had synch problems using Virtual Dub.

I have had Shrike test a small clip I made from Final Flight of the Osiris and he says it looked fine.

GP32 arrives on May 27!
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Well i used exactly my origonal setting. + a 500% volume increase and the birghtnes contrast from your settings M4 in Vdub 1.5 and it worked great! i have a 78mb Matrix that looks fantastic on my GP. I think maybe my copy of 1.3 was bugged. It gave 2 memory errors after compressing any thing with seperate audio. Though the results would play in windows they wouldnt on my GP.

M4 what i was doing was DVDDekrypt>DVD2AVI>VFAPI>Vdub. But my dvd rips where not working(1 did but it tore like mad during action scenes) But my Avi conversions were ive got it sorted now with the new Vdub thanks to every one who helped. I love u all. :) :) :)
JDUK posted on May 26 2003 said:
Well i used exactly my origonal setting. + a 500% volume increase and the birghtnes contrast from your settings M4 in Vdub 1.5 and it worked great!
Glad it is all working out for ya!

I use DVDDecrypter, DVDx 2.2 (this converts from DVD to AVI) and then VDub to make it GP32 friendly. I will give DVD2AVI a try as I try to see which one is better (quality) and faster (nothing worse than waiting a long time for an AVI to build).
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