Gp32 Gurus

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What does it take to be a GP32 guru?? I see most of them are coders and such, but then I see Finty is now one and what has he done? Just curious as to how this title is obtained.
Wait, is this an attack on me? I think it is given after a certain amount of posts (2000).

Please tell me you arn't just doing this because you don't like me? That would be low.

EDIT: As I read your post again I see it isn't an attack, no worries. Oh, I'm not the only non coder guru, there is quite a few now.
No, i was just wondering, i've been here over a year, with a website dedicated to the GP32 and I'm not a guru, i didn't know you had to have a certain amount of posts. I thought it was a title obtained by contributing something to the community in the way of coding and stuff like that, or moderating this site.

Almost a year.

Don't take this the wrong way either, but flamming and continuesly posting shouldn't make someone a Guru, when I see Guru i think of Axeman, EvilDragon, and all the coders, I don't consider people that have thousands of post, most incoherent and flamming others to be gurus.
Well, you do get it for codeing and the like, or if you have over 2000 post's, or if you are nominated.

Don't take this the wrong way either, but flamming and continuesly posting shouldn't make someone a Guru, when I see Guru i think of Axeman, EvilDragon, and all the coders, I don't consider people that have thousands of post, most incoherent and flamming others to be gurus.

So, what you are saying is I don't deserve to be a guru? Well, its not as if I asked for it, and Most of my posts arn't incoherent, I actually help the n00bs. Plus I picked up on your advice and layed off the whole wrong forum thing.

I really don't think your disliking of me deserves a thread started, basically atacking me and saying I don't deserve to be something that I didn't even ask to be. Im the one that should grow up?
it dosnt have to do anything with post count i think.
you get it when you are helpful, trustwothy, and know some thing, i think.
finty101 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 06:09 PM said:
Well, you do get it for codeing and the like, or if you have over 2000 post's, or if you are nominated.

Don't take this the wrong way either, but flamming and continuesly posting shouldn't make someone a Guru, when I see Guru i think of Axeman, EvilDragon, and all the coders, I don't consider people that have thousands of post, most incoherent and flamming others to be gurus.

So, what you are saying is I don't deserve to be a guru? Well, its not as if I asked for it, and Most of my posts arn't incoherent, I actually help the n00bs. Plus I picked up on your advice and layed off the whole wrong forum thing.

I really don't think your disliking of me deserves a thread started, basically atacking me and saying I don't deserve to be something that I didn't even ask to be. Im the one that should grow up?
Don't flatter yourself with saying i am attacking you, i was asking a question, and no I do not agree with you being a guru when you compare yourself to the other Gurus. The person that this whole thing actually brings to mind is Blipped, but I don't think he ever made it to 2000 posts and I haven't seem him around in a while.
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extremegamer posted on Aug 12 2004 at 07:15 PM said:
Don't flatter yourself with saying i am attacking you, i was asking question, and no I do not agree with you being a guru when you compare yourself to the other Gurus. The person that this whole thing actually brings to mind is Blipped, but I don't think he ever made it to 2000 posts and I haven't seem him around in a while.
I never compared my self to other guru's, I never asked to be a guru, and if you are comparing me to blipped4, you obviously have a problem with me, there fore this thread would be to show your problem, as there are other guru's that don't code, yet as soon as I am made one you kick up a fuss. If you want to be a guru ask. I will not enter in a flame war with you.

Mods - Please lock this thread, its obvious where its heading, and where it was intended to head.
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who gives a shit

all property is theft

wait til sams back hell set you all to rights
i got the impression he was laying into finty somewhat, theres no way you can say it was a totally objective, unbiased criticism, the reason extreme is complaining is because finty is now a guru.

i personally think that finty is deserving, away from the off topic sections (which in my opinion should be a free for all) i frequently see finty helping out the newbs.
thebluenewt posted on Aug 12 2004 at 06:34 PM said:
He's not flaming you Finty. I was surprised at a few people becoming gurus as I thought it was for coding and the like.
Exactly, thats all i was saying, I didn't know it had anything to do with post count and it shouldn't, and i'm not singling anybody out, should not be able to post up to Guru, Gurus in my mind are respected people of the GP32 community, the mods of this site, and the coders and such. Reaching 2000 post should not make someone a Guru.

I would not want to be labeled a Guru just based upon my post count on this site. I would want to be labeled a Guru based upon what I've done for the community, which isn't much but my little site that I try to do something with in spare time. And based on that I would not ask to be a Guru.
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So, basically, pink, Azure and I should be stripped? Im fine with it, but I don't see why you brought it up the minute I became a guru?

EDIT: Of our titles you sick minded people :D
Well, look like I forgot about something I did at the beginning :) The first idea about GP32 Guru group was that everyone who will pass 2000 post or something like that will get promotion to GP32 Guru group. Then I figured out that actually it is stupid as some notorious spammers can reach 2000 without any problem :) so finally I decided with XTeam guys that promotion will be granted by hand (mostly based on other members recomendation). To conclude this post :) - seems that I forgot to remove promotion condition from datbase so I will check all lately promoted guys if they really should have this rank. Please someone PM me with list of all "suspicious" promotions ;)
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