Splitting A Single Mp3



i have a complete (actually 2) concerts of MetllicA on my computer. They are encoded as a single (actually 2 single) MP3´s. My wish is now, to split these MP3´s, so I can have every single song as an MP3, in order to burn it onto a cd an listening to it (my PC speakers sound like crap). Now, is there an easy way to split it? i would (preferably) like to just set the track nodes, and then have the program cut/convert the files autoamtically.
on macintosh theres a program called mp3 trimmer that works really well, you highlight the section you want for a single track and save it out. There must be a pc alternative and a quick look through download.com mp3 section will probably help you out.

well, thanks, but I would like to have some names of programs, because I already treid several progs, but either they were to akward to use it for that function (NERO Wave editor) or didn´t work at all (Goldwave didn´t allow me to save MP3´s, allthough i downloaded the latest LAME encoder)
Wouldn't save it as mp3 otherwise you'll get gaps between each track which seeing as its a live concert could be annoying.. save it as wavs if its going to be bunrt to cd.
you could maybe botch something with winamps output to disk plugin, record the bits you want as separate wavs
raven posted on Aug 10 2004 at 11:19 PM said:
I've used MP3Direct Cut, not much to look at but it does the job.
I was just about to reply to this topic to say the same program. It's really fast and does the job fine.
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