FHM Article

Damn, if GBAX can make so many people interested, then THIS.......
Damn, damn, damn... + I saw some dude the other day that had one, I WISH I would have seen that article... could have showed it to him....
This is DEFINITELY good for the GP32 ;D
Well its all in pounds.....So i imagine so! Nice little article, And it brings our favourite handheld to the masses, This being the Uk's most popular mens mag and all. I would expect Craig at Gbax will be a bit busy from now on :D
I read that WHOLE thing in small and at THE BOTTOM I saw that I could make it bigger :angry: Well, I hope that gives gamepark enough money to make a GP64 :)
thanks aharding for bringing us the article. Its very good to know the Gp32 is getting out to the public. In General, it seems the reviews have been very good. This my friends is free advertising!! At its best! 3 cheers for GP. :-)
Wow, I am definitely impressed :) The gamepark is getting more and more popular. Plus craig gets some free advertisement too. It's crazy :)
Woohooo, I can go buy some soft porn this weekend pretending its about the GP32 B)
Bonks posted on May 26 2003 said:
obviuosly because its this years top 100 women this month

Thank you for brining that to my attention :lol:

oh and nice article too :P
What is so good about top 100 women thingy anyways? I don't see what is so good about them. They are just like everyone else with long hair :P
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Wait for puberty then you'll understand.
But yeh why buy it when you can have much more naked much more ... err I don't know how to put this pleasantly .. well you know .. err "active" women with just a few keystrokes.
Apparently GP64 is in R&D stage and due for release in 2005. I recently got mine 3 weeks ago and cannot believe that this handheld isn't getting the publicity it deserves. Then again just remember Konami = Small waves create big storms. Hope the storm arrives soon.
I am straight, but im not a horny bastard that needs to think about women 24/7. I dont give a rats ass who is in the top 100 blah blah.

And I hope that gamepark gets more popular, but I enjoy being the only kid in town with a cool toy like this. :D
I can't wait till the world finds out about Gamepark with the European Release....BUT I still love the idea that I am one of only a few dozen Americans to own this precious piece of equipment. Plus probably the only one from NY. hahaha.