Trashes Folder Wont Show


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Jan 2, 2004
Chester (UK)
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im using phodrive v0.1 with my mac osx 10.3.4. it works well but when i got to put stuff in the trash to get rid of it it only goes into a trashes folder on the smc so it doesnt realy go. i can only acess the trashes folder if i go on the pc.

the beav
Even if you empty the trash can, it doesnt totally remove it.

I've been using CoMi through the GP32.


This app allows you to rename, delete, move files and folders. You can make new folders. It is very handy when you want to rename your old save games, clear SMC from old roms, delete mp3s when you need to. It frees SMC space for save-games, save-states etc.

Download CoMi.fxe (ZIP, 74k)

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orangemapped posted on Aug 1 2004 at 02:55 PM said:
Even if you empty the trash can, it doesnt totally remove it.
Congradulations, you lose. it may not look like it, but the finder has to update it. and obviously it wont "fully" delete it unless you zero the data blocks.

but christ, Rm it, its easy as shit, and you wont waste youre GP32's batteries.

and btw... camino sucks :P
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Depends which OS you are using. OSX 10.3 has a 'Secure Empty Trash' option which zeros the data.

I have never noticed the trash hanging on with my SMC, but I use a SMC reader which is much better if you have a Mac.

The only thing I sometimes get is the need to eject and reinsert the SMC after emptying trash to get the space available to update accurately, although this may well be my reader as it was a cheap and nasty one!...

thecheat posted on Aug 2 2004 at 05:28 AM said:
obviously it wont "fully" delete it unless you zero the data blocks.
As Shiro says, that only happens when you secure empty trash... and if you're like me - that hardly ever happens, becayse you have to actually open the trash to do that.

And obviously? Okay... if you're helping out someone that has just stated that "it only goes into the trash folder on the smc" - maybe its not so obvious to them...

but christ, Rm it, its easy as shit, and you wont waste youre GP32's batteries.

I dont know if you realise... but not everyone's as geeky knowledgeable as yourself... that means shit to me, and probably to most people looking for help on something. Its a support forum, remember...

and btw... camino sucks :P
Is that what you say to every project in development?

If everyone took that attitude, there'd be no new software out at the mo.
Camino's in build 0.8 - its not even had its first official version... it's bound to be shit.

But, if they get co-operation from people, and not the crap attitude you seem to carry, the program's more likely to become better.
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no, i dont like camino. compared to safari, it's a dog, and slow at that.
Rm: delete in UNIX.
Opening the trash: oh, it's SO hard.

and yes, i know im "geeky". is that a bad thing to be smart? and i'm not saying i'm the smartest person, but come on. everyone except n00bs should have at least dabbled in the terminal. its elementary. i don't know a lot about UNIX, but I'm learining, on my own. try it, and you'll find that things wont be so hard (like opening the trash).

and at least i dont use pay links in my sig... that's just kind of cheap...
alright alright, i'm sorry about that if i sounded like a bastard. i just don't see it as hard to learn about thingsrather than rely on others to help when you've already got access to the world's biggest info database, the big thing i like to call the internet.
thecheat posted on Aug 4 2004 at 04:23 AM said:
no, i dont like camino. compared to safari, it's a dog, and slow at that.
Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. I agree - but if there's nobody there to tell the developers that, there's no way its gonna improve.

Rm: delete in UNIX.

And if I remember rightly, in MrSpiv's MacLink there's an Rm button...
...but I dont use maclink.

Opening the trash: oh, it's SO hard.
But I find it quicker to ctrl click on the dock and empty trash.

everyone except n00bs should have at least dabbled in the terminal. its elementary.
You could be right, but you're not. I know people that have used macs all their life and not even touched programs like Terminal. It just depends what field your into.

Personally, my mac's there mainly for graphic design and using the net. Well, that rules out coding.
So, its not really my desire to go exploring in Terminal (even though I have, once).

and at least i dont use pay links in my sig... that's just kind of cheap...
Its not cheap. Wilkinsons is cheap. The links just show that I could always do with a little extra money.
And, they're convenient for people looking for... whatever.

alright alright, i'm sorry about that if i sounded like a bastard. i just don't see it as hard to learn about thingsrather than rely on others to help when you've already got access to the world's biggest info database, the big thing i like to call the internet.
Its alright, you didnt sound like a bastard... just a little arsey, like you didnt see why people are posting things like this here when they could find them on the net.

Well, i found this site by searching on google. And, if they didnt want people to ask 'dumb' questions like this, they wouldnt have a Mac Support forums. :)

No hard feelins.

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I find Camino runs faster than Safari myself, plus it'll open links from Butler in new tabs rather than new windows, which is good.

I find running volumes through Cleanup SMB Mess (Applescript Droplet, available on Versiontrakcer) gets rid of all the .trashes crap, as well as .DS_Store files. You just have to be careful not to open the volume in finder again or it'll take another dump. Goddamn they need to improve Finder...