Macintosh GP32 Problem, Please help!


Still Fresh
May 30, 2003
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My Gp32 keeps messing its SMC up. It just wont read it and i cant format the SMC on maclink cos maclink doesnt work with MAC OS 10.2.6. I tried reformatting the SMC on mac, under Mac, UNIX and MSdos fielsystems, and still the gp32 wont read the card, but my laptop has NO problem.

Can anyone help, cos i now have a very expensive piece of useless plastic!

I don't know if this will help, but a similar problem happened to me...

I formatted my smc on a PC (no choice) and I basically coppied the smc to my hard drive, just incase.

My Gp32 messed up it's smc, so I thought I was screwed (no more access to the PC). I just copied the GAME folder back to my smc and it worked again - always backup - just incase.

Good luck!

Oh, and I don't use maclink... I just use my digital camera as my smc reader/writer.
tried, and it wont let me copy the game folder as "its in use" (by nothing btw)

I copied the files within the game folder over, and still no

Thanks tho!

My Gp32 keeps messing its SMC up. It just wont read it and i cant format the SMC on maclink cos maclink doesnt work with MAC OS 10.2.6. I tried reformatting the SMC on mac, under Mac, UNIX and
Heh.. Maclink works under OSX 10.2.6.. Your GP32 just needs to have pacthed Firmware because GP32 USB driver is broken. Anyways.. what comes to formatting a SMC, I don't know to what retarted FAT version SMCs must be formatted before GP32 accepts them. So far what I have tried only GP32 has succeeded to format them correctly and surprisingly brand new SMCs that I bought worked out of box.
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ive downloaded the patch from this site, but i need someone to tell me what to do. Im guessin its using a friends PC?

I found that SMC worked str8 out of the box too, but the mac cant format them right in any way :(
Hi ben,

Do you have access to a digital camera that takes SMC cards???

If so, Try formating the card with it, Then delete the folder made by the camera.

Just a thought. :unsure:

No unfortunatly :( my digi camera takes SD cards

looks like another trip to a PC. this is soooo annoying now! its the third time its happened
It`s as easy as running a program on the GP32.

But as stated elsewhere, There is an element of risk involved. First make sure you use a new or fully charged set of batteries. Don`t use a mains adaptor because if the electricity should fail you could end up with an unusable GP32. :(

Once the card is formatted, never format it with your mac OS. Only format it with your GP32. Also eject the card like a CD-ROM and wait for the light on the card reader to stop flashing before you remove your card or you will corrupt the file system on the card.