Castaway/GP 10.3 Released :)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Minor update; the keyboard is better handled now, which should make a few more games easier to play or mroe compatible. ie: Xenon 1 always worked very well, but it was hard to change from ship to tank. That works perfectly now. Turrican shoudl be happier, and a few other games people've mentioned.

Get it in the regular spot..

skeezix, you da man!. Thanks for your hard work, we all appreciate it very much.
Jeff - YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!! :P

Thanx a million!!!!! Turrican/Xenon here I come.
Wub informs me that Elite is fully playable now in 10.3. Cool :)

I will be releasing 10.4 tonight that reduces the keyrepeat back to where it was in 10.2 -- so the keys will be depressed longer (as in 10.3), but the repeat speed will be same as it was in 10.2. Seems now if you hit a key on the virtual keyboard, many devices will end up registering 2-3 key hits all the same. I'll fix for 10.4 :)

skeezix, let me inform you that another cult on a small island in the southern pacific has started building you a statue 3 miles high!! :)

Castaway is GREAT!!!! Thanks!!
bzfish posted on May 23 2003 said:
skeezix, let me inform you that another cult on a small island in the southern pacific has started building you a statue 3 miles high!! :)

Castaway is GREAT!!!! Thanks!!
*g* So thats how Stonehenge came about..

Glad you're enjoying yourself :)

I'll get 10.4 out and that'll pretty much finish it off. A few things to work on gradually like bindable keys, etc, but I think once I fix the keyboard repeat rate it'll be everythign it "needs" to be.

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I agree, that would pretty much make the emulator everything it really needs to be, the rest is pretty much bells & whistles (but don't we all want bells & whistles ?).
Thanks for your great emu,

Yep, the Eastern Mongolians have finished the totem pole and are now onto the bend-down-and-pray-in-front-of-it stage. And of course there's their creation myth...
Hi skeezix!

It would be nice if you could add a "shift"-key (left) to the Keyboard...
so i can switch units in ´North & South´ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

thanks for your great work!!!

I will be adding a shift key; not sure if I need to add shift like the other buttosn (down and then auto-release) or if I need to have a state-full shift (push it down, then push it again to let it up, so you can do shifted characters...). But I will be adding it.

I forget if the ST differentiates between left-shift and right-shift .. hmm. I'll have to look it up.

I'll probabyl plug something in for version 11 coming soon :)

As someone suggested a while ago, have A on the keyboard for small chars, B on the keyboard for capitals, and a non-sticky shift key. A couple of punctuation symbols wouldn't go amis either, but that's by the by ( a few games use them for directions etc... although I'm assuming in bind mode we'd be able to use them, efen if they aren't on the keyboard itself. I hope :) )
Do we need caps? :)

I'll add a non-sticky shift, and caps mode, I guess. I'm not going to bother with puctuation per se.. theres no room for it, and I can't imagine it being really useful. If I add sticky shift at soe point "A"+shift? then that could shift the numbers to get the punctuation you need anyway....

I am working on bind mode.

Nice :)

Caps would be nice on account of the "Enter Your Name" bit being frustrating to go through a game being called "palon" or "tim" or (in the case of Roadwar) "da skinz" or similar stupid name as compared to ones with at least a firstletter in caps :)

It is a frill though... strictly a frill.
Hmmm... it might be nice to have caps and caps lock included. Then I can type the cheat in for Arkanoid. :P

That said, it says you have to hold caps lock down and type in whatever it was, so scratch that idea. Curses, why didn't Elite software just put in some normal cheat code.
I think I"m going to add "hold down" as a keyboard function.. ie: push "B" as normal tp push and release a key, and "A" to push and hold it down until you push "A" again on it. Then I'll add left and right shidfts, and youv'e got caps via shift, and shift for fire button, depending which B or A you push, and you can hold down other keys.. just in case its needed. That oughtta help..

Watch for v11 in a day or two :)
