sam fisher Well-Known Member Joined Apr 11, 2004 Messages 9,452 Location Bristol, UK Website Jul 29, 2004 #1 See title and subject. Will it work or is it a straight rj54 ethernet cable? Thanks in advance.
D Dozer Efram the retarded rabbit Joined Jul 2, 2003 Messages 3,035 Age 39 Location Exeter Website Jul 29, 2004 #2 As far as I know, yes .
sam fisher Well-Known Member Joined Apr 11, 2004 Messages 9,452 Location Bristol, UK Website Jul 29, 2004 #3 its for halo system link. 10m won't cause a lag will it? SHi* forgot the link. Here here it is will that work?
its for halo system link. 10m won't cause a lag will it? SHi* forgot the link. Here here it is will that work?
D Dozer Efram the retarded rabbit Joined Jul 2, 2003 Messages 3,035 Age 39 Location Exeter Website Jul 29, 2004 #4 I'm 90% sure that it uses standard cabling yeah. Better wait for someone to proove me wrong though I guess . xbox-scene would be the place to check/ask really.
I'm 90% sure that it uses standard cabling yeah. Better wait for someone to proove me wrong though I guess . xbox-scene would be the place to check/ask really.
sam fisher Well-Known Member Joined Apr 11, 2004 Messages 9,452 Location Bristol, UK Website Jul 29, 2004 #5 The xbox use crossover cables. Is that a cross over cable?
finty what is this Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 4,984 Location Ireland Website Visit site Jul 29, 2004 #6 I think thats a straight through cable. Sam just go to a nearby computer store and ask for a cat5 crossover cable.
I think thats a straight through cable. Sam just go to a nearby computer store and ask for a cat5 crossover cable.
Axeman Axemeister Joined Apr 5, 2003 Messages 4,220 Location Newport, Wales, UK Website Visit site Jul 29, 2004 #7 That IS a standard one. You will need a crossover unless you're going through a hub.
D Dozer Efram the retarded rabbit Joined Jul 2, 2003 Messages 3,035 Age 39 Location Exeter Website Jul 29, 2004 #8 Pah, didn't notice it wasn't a crossover <_< . Sorry.
sam fisher Well-Known Member Joined Apr 11, 2004 Messages 9,452 Location Bristol, UK Website Jul 29, 2004 #9 fine. found a cat5e(twice as fast) crossover cable for 5 pound.
BaDToaD "Very" Old Timer Joined Jan 31, 2004 Messages 2,452 Location UK Website Jul 29, 2004 #10 The cable isn't twice as fast sam it just means it can handle data transmitted at a faster rate. Somehow I don't think that'll be a problem on an xbox
The cable isn't twice as fast sam it just means it can handle data transmitted at a faster rate. Somehow I don't think that'll be a problem on an xbox