A generous forum member sent me a bunch of Lenovo USB keyboards with trackpoint. Unfortunately they all mysteriously developed defects where some keys would not register. All of them. I bought another one from another seller. Within a month that also developed dead keys.
No drinks were spilled on these keyboards.
I was now several hundred euros poorer, and decided no more Lenovo USB keyboards for me!
Went out and got a Sharkoon TKL with clone-cherry mx blue switches. It is sweeet. But... no trackpoint!
Since the trackpoints on my broken keyboards work, i took em apart and came up with a crazy idea - add the Lenovo trackpoint to my mechanical keyboard!
The trackpoint module is quite flat, so if i could build an extended lever for it, it could be mounted below the keyboard motherboard, and stick up through a hole in the kbd! Well there WAS a hole almost exactly where i needed it!
But what could i use for a 'shaft' or lever to extend the trackpoint? I wandered around the house looking, looking. Finally i saw the sewing kit and realized i could use a sewing machine needle!
But then i had to drill a 1mm hole in the middle of the trackpoint base to stick the needle in. I found a 1mm drill bit! But i had no drill with a chuck so small. So i wrapped duct tape around the drill bit and stuck it in the chuck. It wobbled like crazy!
It was HARD TO CENTER A HOLE on the 3mm diameter trackpoint!
But i finally centered it!
Then i tried to drill down perpendiccularly without wobbling, and kinda succeeded! (I have no drill press)
Cut off the tip of the needle and it fits snugly!
Then i needed a backplate, so i cut out a piece from a tobacco tin and drilled mounts in it and the board.
Drilled holes in the backplate and mounted the trackpoint module
Needed to mount the needle to figure out where to cut off the top.
Using an industrial cyanoacrylate-based filling adhesive to bind the trackpoint cap mount (black) to the needle.
I cut-away obstructions in the keyboard case base, and it all fits together!
And it works! The trackpoint motion is excellent! Now i just need to reverse x and y directions in xinput (libinput) (i had to rotate the module 180 degrees to point the cable out the back.
Anybody know how to do that?
[EDIT] Found it!
xinput --set-prop --type=float 25 142 -0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
(default is 1.0 instead of -0.7. The negative inverts x and y scaling, and 0.7 slows mouse for finer GIMP work).
Also i gotta map left/right mouse buttons to left and right Alt keys...
Will keep y'all updated! Yaay!
That was a fun evening.
No drinks were spilled on these keyboards.
I was now several hundred euros poorer, and decided no more Lenovo USB keyboards for me!
Went out and got a Sharkoon TKL with clone-cherry mx blue switches. It is sweeet. But... no trackpoint!
Since the trackpoints on my broken keyboards work, i took em apart and came up with a crazy idea - add the Lenovo trackpoint to my mechanical keyboard!
The trackpoint module is quite flat, so if i could build an extended lever for it, it could be mounted below the keyboard motherboard, and stick up through a hole in the kbd! Well there WAS a hole almost exactly where i needed it!
But what could i use for a 'shaft' or lever to extend the trackpoint? I wandered around the house looking, looking. Finally i saw the sewing kit and realized i could use a sewing machine needle!
But then i had to drill a 1mm hole in the middle of the trackpoint base to stick the needle in. I found a 1mm drill bit! But i had no drill with a chuck so small. So i wrapped duct tape around the drill bit and stuck it in the chuck. It wobbled like crazy!

It was HARD TO CENTER A HOLE on the 3mm diameter trackpoint!

But i finally centered it!

Then i tried to drill down perpendiccularly without wobbling, and kinda succeeded! (I have no drill press)

Cut off the tip of the needle and it fits snugly!

Then i needed a backplate, so i cut out a piece from a tobacco tin and drilled mounts in it and the board.

Drilled holes in the backplate and mounted the trackpoint module

Needed to mount the needle to figure out where to cut off the top.

Using an industrial cyanoacrylate-based filling adhesive to bind the trackpoint cap mount (black) to the needle.

I cut-away obstructions in the keyboard case base, and it all fits together!

And it works! The trackpoint motion is excellent! Now i just need to reverse x and y directions in xinput (libinput) (i had to rotate the module 180 degrees to point the cable out the back.
Anybody know how to do that?
[EDIT] Found it!
xinput --set-prop --type=float 25 142 -0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
(default is 1.0 instead of -0.7. The negative inverts x and y scaling, and 0.7 slows mouse for finer GIMP work).
Also i gotta map left/right mouse buttons to left and right Alt keys...
Will keep y'all updated! Yaay!
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