Pyra DBP repository (dev talk)


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
This is the devel thread. If you're not ready to commit some code, please use the user thread instead.
The actual repository code is available on github.
Any PR posted there will be looked at and probably accepted.
Technologies :
  • Slim Framework (meaning PHP)
  • bootstrap
  • D3
  • mysql for the database
Slim is indeed very slim and just follow PSR-7, so if you know PSR-7 already you'll be at home with this micro-framework; Knowing D3 is not a pre-requesite to be able to code here.

The github readme have a short description on how to get your own instance of the thing to do your devel.

On a small note, at some point i'll be looking at translating the repo in some languages, so translators will be looked for ;)
Since someone offered for a german translation, I've worked on the translation.
This file is revelent for your next translation. The name of the file have to match what your browser say about language
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Where is the french file please ?
--Edit: nevermind, found it.

--Edit2: I made some corrections to the file.


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I noticed that the language files are not consistent with the translations for the language menu (some are still in english, and some are totally translated in the current language), but I think that all of them should share exactly the same strings for every language file for that menu...

, "English": "English"
, "French": "Français"
, "German": "Deutsch"
, "Italian": "Italiano"

If someone wants to choose to browse in german, he just knows how "german" is written in german... while if he's browsing in some foreign language that he doesn't know, he just need to find it's preferred language easily.
I know that the flags can help, but I see no point in a country flag with a foreign word next to it.
I took the liberty to make a dutch version too...

    "Details": "Details"
,    "Home": "Home"
,    "not allowed": "niet toegestaan"
,    "not found": "niet gevonden"
,    "Oops! Page not found.": "Uh Oh, pagina niet gevonden."
,    "Oops! Permission denied.": "Oops, toegang geweigerd."
,    "Oops! Server error": "Sorry, Schroefie los"
,    "return home": "terug naar home"
,    "server error": "server fout"
,    "Server error": "Server fout"
,    "Add": "Toevoegen"
,    "Again": "Nog eens"
,    "App": "App"
,    "Apps": "Apps"
,    "Cancel": "Annuleer"
,    "DBP": "DBP"
,    "Description": "Beschrijving"
,    "First name": "Voornaam"
,    "Forum": "Forum"
,    "home": "home"
,    "Last name": "Achternaam"
,    "License": "Licentie"
,    "License name": "licentienaam"
,    "list": "lijst"
,    "Login": "Login"
,    "New password": "Nieuw wachtwoord"
,    "Old password": "Oude wachtwoord"
,    "Package": "Pakket"
,    "Packages": "Pakketten"
,    "Password": "Wachtwoord"
,    "Pyra sources": "Pyra broncodes"
,    "Register": "Registreer"
,    "Register a new user": "Registreer een nieuwe gebruiker"
,    "Remember Me": "Onthoud mij"
,    "Repository": "Repository"
,    "Select a DBP file": "Kies een DBP bestand"
,    "Select a screenshot": "Kies een schermafdruk"
,    "settings": "configuratie"
,    "Sign In": "Log in"
,    "Sign in to start your session": "Log in om je sessie te starten"
,    "Submit": "Verstuur"
,    "Type": "Type"
,    "upload": "upload"
,    "Upload a new DBP file": "Upload een nieuw DBP bestand"
,    "Up-stream sources": "Up-stream sources"
,    "Up-stream website": "Up-stream website"
,    "User": "Gebruiker"
,    "Username": "Gebruikersnaam"
,    "All apps": "Alle applicaties"
,    "All packages": "Alle pakketten"
,    "Cannot register while logged in": "Registratie niet mogelijk wanneer je ingelogd bent"
,    "Category apps": "Categorie apps"
,    "Comment added": "Kommentaar toegevoegd"
,    "Description updated": "Beschrijving geupdated"
,    "Extracting the metadata failed": "Meta data ophalen mislukt"
,    "failed": "mislukt"
,    "Failed to login.": "Inloggen niet gelukt"
,    "Failed to register": "Registratie niet gelukt"
,    "found": "gevonden"
,    "is not a supported type": "is geen ondersteund type"
,    "Licence updated": "Licentie geupdated"
,    "No .desktop file found": ".desktop bestand niet gevonden"
,    "No File uploaded": "Geen bestand geupload"
,    "No \"Package Entry\" found": "Geen \"Package Entry\" gevonden"
,    "Not permitted": "Niet toegestaan"
,    "Old password missmatch...": "Oud wachtwoord klopt niet"
,    "Parse failed: No package \"Arch\" found": "Verwerking mislukt: pakket \"Arch\" niet gevonden"
,    "Parse failed: No \"Package Entry\" section found": "Verwerking mislukt: \"Package Entry\" sectie niet gevonden"
,    "Parse failed: No package \"Id\" found": "Verwerking mislukt: geen pakket \"Id\" gevonden"
,    "Parse failed: No package \"Name\" found": "Verwerking mislukt : geen pakket met de naam \"Name\" gevonden"
,    "Parse failed: No package \"Version\" found": "Verwerking mislukt: geen pakket \"Version\" gevonden"
,    "Parse failed: Package \"Id\" too long": "Verwerking mislukt Pakket \"Id\" is te lang"
,    "Password changed": "Wachtwoord gewijzigd"
,    "Password mismatch": "Wachtwoord incorrect"
,    "Password missmatch": "Wachtwoord onjuist"
,    "Screenshot added": "Schermafdruk toegevoegd"
,    "Searching apps:": "Zoek applicaties:"
,    "Succesfully signed out": "Uitgelogd"
,    "Upload Failed": "Upload mislukt"
,    "URLs updated": "URLs geupdated"
,    "Username already registered": "Gebruikersnaam al in gebruik"
,    "Welcome": "Welkom"
,    "You are not a defined maintainer": "U bent niet als onderhouder gedefineerd"
,    "You cannot edit this package": "U kunt dit pakket niet wijzigen"
,    "You're not a maintainer": "U bent geen onderhouder"
,    "arch": "arch"
,    "date": "datum"
,    "description": "omschrijving"
,    "for package": "voor pakket"
,    "id": "id"
,    "link": "link"
,    "No app": "Geen applicatie"
,    "No package": "Geen pakket"
,    "package": "pakket"
,    "Parsing": "Verwerken"
,    "size": "grootte"
,    "Sources": "Broncode"
,    "uploader": "uploader"
,    "Up stream": "Up stream"
,    "Up stream sources": "Up stream broncode"
,    "version": "versie"
,    "Comments": "Kommentaar"
,    "Community screenshots": "Community schermafdrukken"
,    "Date": "Datum"
,    "Download": "Download"
,    "Edit": "Wijzigen"
,    "md5": "MD5"
,    "Officials screenshots": "Officiële schermafdrukken"
,    "Select file": "Selecteer bestand"
,    "sha1": "SHA-1"
,    "Unset": "De-selecteer"
,    "Version history": "Versie geschiedenis"
,    "Search": "Zoek"
Thanks for taking my British English proposal, however, it seems to have the wrong flag at the top now if you select it.

Also, on a pedantic note, the package pages list a size in terms of 'k', which I take to be kilo. But kilo what? My first guess of kilobytes seems correct compared against the size of the file I downloaded, but wouldn't it be better to be explicit, given there's the space to write 'kB' and three digits (or MB and three, GB and three etc.)?

Also, I can't quite figure out how you get that 890 figure for SoRR. I've downloaded it again (and now it seems correct in that it mounts fine now), and it comes down as 872KiB or 892.6KB (the latter dividing the byte count by 1000, not 1024). Hmm, are you giving us the size stats to 2 significant figures only?

Also, the screenshots on the app page seem to behave a little oddly still. I noticed it seemed to only pause for any appreciable length of time after every other screenshot. Also, trying to force it to do certain things made it delete the image element, leaving the screenshot furniture on screen, but apparently inactive. After the offical screenshot image disappeared on me, I hit community screenshots and it did render an image then, but attempting to see other images made that disappear too, and now both views have no image. Seems fairly easy to reproduce, on my end at least; load the page and hit scroll left on the image dialogue up to four times and it should disappear. Also, scrolling left often behaves oddly even when it is still visible.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news with all of these bugs, but it does feel like it's heading in the right direction overall.
Thanks for taking my British English proposal, however, it seems to have the wrong flag at the top now if you select it.
So that was you :) and fixed. I forgot to add the check for these 2 languages.

Also, on a pedantic note, the package pages list a size in terms of 'k', which I take to be kilo. But kilo what? My first guess of kilobytes seems correct compared against the size of the file I downloaded, but wouldn't it be better to be explicit, given there's the space to write 'kB' and three digits (or MB and three, GB and three etc.)?
Also, I can't quite figure out how you get that 890 figure for SoRR. I've downloaded it again (and now it seems correct in that it mounts fine now), and it comes down as 872KiB or 892.6KB (the latter dividing the byte count by 1000, not 1024). Hmm, are you giving us the size stats to 2 significant figures only?
Exactly. You have the exact value available in the "version history" tab.

Also, the screenshots on the app page seem to behave a little oddly still. I noticed it seemed to only pause for any appreciable length of time after every other screenshot.
The caroussel stop if you have your cursor over it. otherwise the pause is contant : 5s for each screenshot.
Also, trying to force it to do certain things made it delete the image element, leaving the screenshot furniture on screen, but apparently inactive. After the offical screenshot image disappeared on me, I hit community screenshots and it did render an image then, but attempting to see other images made that disappear too, and now both views have no image. Seems fairly easy to reproduce, on my end at least; load the page and hit scroll left on the image dialogue up to four times and it should disappear. Also, scrolling left often behaves oddly even when it is still visible.
I was aware of this bug before posting about the repo initially. It's an odd bug when having 2 (or more) distincts caroussel in 2 distinct tabs or more (just like the repo is having). It's easy to know if you've triggered it since the 2 tabs headers are highlited once triggered. It's probably a bootstrap bug. I haven't cared to fix it yet since I'm not even sure I'll keep this situation (there's a chance the caroussel goes away later on, and the tabs might goes away too in futur redisigns)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news with all of these bugs, but it does feel like it's heading in the right direction overall.
Thanks :)
I've just made a Turkish version. I doubt it's going to help but here it is.



I need your help for many things.

1) Translations. All translations need help, from the least updated to the most up-to-date :
  • NL : 114/306
  • ES : 132/306
  • FR : 163/306
  • DE : 294/306
  • IT : 294/306
Yeah, even the french translation is lagging :D

2) Look'n'feel. As ED put it, the repo looks ugly.
The pages that have to change are :
  • The applications list
  • The application page
Others may need some changes too, but it's way less of a problem imho.
The application list will not stay as main page (actually the main page redirect to the list...). I do plan to build to build a real homepage (with stats and stuff) but yet so far there's not enough data to make something revelent.

Before you go crazy, here are (imho) the requirements :
  • List :
    • Dont use a "table" to keep being phone friendly
    • allow for sort and filter
    • Paging (so far it's not a problem, but when ptitSeb start going crazy...)
    • A limited set of applications properties (to be defined)
  • Page :
    • Have all the properties available
    • the most important properties upfront
    • a large space for screenshots
    • looks good
Let's talk about the requirements, then where to put what and finally draw some mockups.
About this point:
  • Dont use a "table" to keep being phone friendly

If it's possible I would like something a little dynamic, that could use the entire width of the window in a useful way when there is the space...
I understand the "smart" requirement thing, but lately browsing the web with a PC leaves the browser window half empty (especially on widescreen resolutions)

I can think of something like a vertical list with minimal info (thumbnail, title and 1 or 2 lines of description),
when you click on an item it will open vertically (pushing down the other entries), showing all the other informations

The previous as seen on a smartphone, while if you are looking at in with a wider window you'll have all the elements already opened, but with all the info at the side of everyone of them (instead of under them)