I discovered David Revoy's works yesterday. I bit the bullet and went for the insane option of fixing my cintiq companion... I.E getting the parts AND BUYING A NEW ONE!... Yes.... I got the four year warranty, because issues always seem to occur, and wacom is infamous in many a regard.
However as I saying. His comic Pepper and Carrot which is an adorable little comic about a witch and a cat is open source.
Wat? What do you mean open source.
He uses Krita and releases EVERYTHING. You can get the panels, the source files and the whole nine yards. So that means I can actually get the actually files he used to create it and reverse engineer what he does!
Also if i fix my first companion I might end up sticking linux on it or something. (Dual booting)

That way I can try the linux version of Krita. The windows side will probably be used for coding as I got visual studio all installed with everything.
But just the fact he has tutorials and other things on his website is amazing. It's funny how with me going "I'm sticking with Krita!" while everybody goes "NO! USE PHOTOSHOP!"
has been an amazing move for my art. If it works for David Revoy successfully, and many other artists, it can work.. No it is working for me. I have just scratched the surface of what Krita has to offer. With the new cinti- I mean Mobile studio pro... Only thing that has me worried is usb-c.. however it charges via those ports so that means it won't have a failing barrel jack they bought for .0005 of a cent
I am adding David Revoy to my study list for techniques

Honestly its kind of inspiring.
Everybody told me that you can't use linux to make art. That you have to use a mac with photoshop... I know that's a load of horse wash.
On saturday my tablet should be arriving... and freaking out my family. If i survive i'll do a review of it.
[doublepost=1501873731,1501858833][/doublepost]I tried to use the intuos my ex left behind. Boy using a tablet after the cintiq.. IT's like trying to draw something while looking at mirror which is pointing at another mirror at your paper. The strokes feel like I'm a mile away from them, or barking orders at a very startled man to draw them for me. Just can't do it!
So i've been doing research.
Found a cute comic panel from David Revoy
As well as this.
which is eyebrow raising to me. While I view David's work itself as not 100% my cup of tea. As I am a bit more of a fan of darker styles of artwork.
Like my current favorite artist
NatalieDeCorsair (also apparently most of the artists I am attracted too are foreign and Russian. A trait that my Ex and I seemed to share..)
But David shows a technique, a starting a point, a how its done. He releases the source files and the whole 9 yards. It makes it possible to bridge the gap of pure confusion to actually making things in a timely manner. Just that GMIC filter thing when I get it down will save me so much time! I was doing every colour via layer and hand drawing it out and erasing it.
There's tricks and tips, and theres methodology. I don't need to reinvent the wheel here. I just need to learn how it's done first.
I am teaching myself how to do these things. I took art classes in school, but they hindered me. It seemed like anybody who was creative, had a spark flunked, and anybody who had no chances in hell of being an artist got A's.. this was one of the final blows to my ego as a person who wanted to create art. My schooling in many ways might as well been a jack boot on the back of my neck and the man with a revolver pulling the trigger.
Every step of the way I take .I am taking in information. Finding new things and I am learning what works and doesn't. I am learning from others. Many us struggle with figuring out things. Half of the issue is figuring out what the issue is called, let alone how to fix it. Knowing the problem is half of the battle, or seeing how people do their ways really helps. Being taught via a stick being bashed against your head with somebody screaming "NIEN!!!!" Doesn't work.
This is an organic process and it must be treated as such. A thing my ex did not want to do. I watched her throw away her gifts and destroy her talents. She was so focused on speed painting for ease of making things... to sell.. to people who didn't exist. And she lost herself... and it showed heavily in her art. Even with the periodic Facebook posts I see, I see she's still lost.
Krita was dismissed by her instantly, I followed my gut and went with it. I am glad I did. The resources I have found, and what cost they are to me is so much better than if i were to use a pirated copy of photoshop. Because now I have access to tools that are solid, and purpose built. Also one of David's comics showed something that I had an idea to do for awhile now if I ever make a comic. I saw how it added to the flow of the piece and I could see it helping my stories and development.
I got three books coming in the mail.
Amazon product ASIN 0486200825Amazon product ASIN 0615272819Amazon product ASIN 0823004325
These were recommended by David Revoy, and I saw the other two books he recommended I purchased on a whim and they helped dramatically. I saw the difference IMMEDIATELY. The one on animal anatomy, human anatomy, and the one on faces are tools that will help me iron out things. Many people are under the notion that a good artist never uses references, this is a fallacy, and idiotic one at best. There's many things the human brain does that need to be "uninstalled" to do art. It's difficult to describe.
Also I feel I have to say this, but
Thank you so much guys.
this has been the most welcoming and supportive place I have ever been, and whilst this is a tech forum about the legacy of the Open Pandora, posting here made the most sense. It's a nurturing environment and it truly helps. Artist forums and Writer's forums tear you to shreds. Absolute shreds, and destroy you. They don't encourage, they bring you down and spit on you. Fill you with rules, doubts and notions (ONLY USE PHOTOSHOP! ADVERBS ARE THE WORK OF THE DEVIL!) However anybody who succeeds usually breaks the patterns or rules.
I've seen people fail by trying to hard to follow the pack. I am not paving my own or taking a machete through the forest. Instead I am going off of the beaten path. One which has been travelled, one which is a lot less stressful. One that is a bit more scenic. I am looking at what other people do to find what
I can do.
I am not forcing a peg into hole. I am not forcing myself.
I am waiting for my devices to come in so I can continue drawing. I am taking this reprieve to study. I have found out so much about myself in july. And I see growth, and I see potential. I haven't hit many brick walls. Instead I am finding doors to go through them, or signs to turn around and go another way.
Things are good in life. I'm going to go get some tacos.