Super Metroid Review!!


May 17, 2004
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Thank you for reading my second review. To start of, I would like to comment on the speed of this game. I overclock my GP32 to 166mhz to play this game, but still it does go a bit slower than it should!! I might get that 200mhz thing, it might help.Anyway, to the review.
The games starts out looking good, in a weird sort of way, with excellent graphics (for the time), and some moody sounds! The intro sequence is so long and annoying, and I do not think there is any way to turn off the french or german text at the bottom of the screen. (Don't worry, there is english text too...).
There is not much of a story going through the game, it is just about finding some little alien thing while collecting items while you are on the planet. Fun.
The music in this game is just...boring. Like blah blah boring. A few ochestra slow sounds here and there, some more moody sounds, some monster yowling, I think you know what I mean.

The gameplay is the star of the review. From the minute you get to eventually control Samus, it is great and easy to pick up the controls! The movement is really fluid, and you feel like you have total control. Switching between items and et cetera is easy, but maybe, jumping out of the way of enemy attacks is quite difficult, so I cannot really explain it! It must be just the difficulty of the game.

The graphics look good, and jumping around the planet makes you want to explore more. The sprites are large, and everything is easy to see (that is if you have the back/front light on, or the sun is directly shining on the screen. It is a light thing). The tilting effect in the game is there, which I am suprised at, I thought super FX was not supported on the osnes9xgp emulator, am I wrong?

This game will occupy a lot of your time, that is if you have the patience. You can get lost easily, and most of the bosses, and there are a lot of them, are extremly hard. Once you get into this game, it is hard to get out, it is so fun and addictive, and the good points do outweigh the bad points on this scale, aha.

Thank you for reading this review, maybe it is a little boring, but I hope you found it good. My advice is this, download it and play it, you might not regret it.
I don't think SuperFX is what you are describing. As far as I know, SuperFX is the 3D graphics thing Starfox used, and maybe a few other games. The stretching/scaling/tilting, which is also used by the bosses in Super Mario World and other things, is built into the SNES and supported by most emulators, including os9xgp.

Super Metroid is a skill game, which basically throws enemy waves at you and you get better and better at dodging them. I found it got kinda boring after a while; it goes on far too long. Graphics are good though of course, I just don't think it deserves the kind of phrase it gets (usually people say it is one of the best SNES games ever etc.)

Thanks for coming back and doing another review, Sadako. It wasn't boring (if anything, for the colours) especially if you compare it to half the stuff on GameFAQs!
The "tilting" thing you describe is mode7. SuperFX-chip is used in 3d-games.
And I'm one of the people saying that metroid is one of the best games on snes, metroid and zelda. Those are perhaps the best games ever on any console.
I am glad you all found my review good, thank you!
So it is not Super FX? I was susprised when I played it to see the tilting effect, I thought SNES was too old to do something like that. I do not like Super Metroid that much, but it is a good game. I think Super Mario World is the best too.

I dont think you did the game justice, as this game has the Deleted User seal, meaning its the best game EVER. You heard me! Better then any other game....
I thought the game had allot of style for its time it is one of my favs. Even my user name has metroid in it :P . Mario and Castlevania rocked on snes but Super Metroid revoltionized games look at Castlevania games now and you will understand my point B) .
I agree with Deleted User about being an awesome game but about the review I thought it waz good sounded like you had fun and that is what gameing is all about B).
Thank you! I thought my review was boring. But I did have fun reviewing it and playing it! So I guess you are right, I just had fun, and that is what gaming is all about! I should review more games..
Nice review :)

Personally, I found Super Metroid very fun, but more because of the atmosphere it creates than anything else; the music might be flat, but it is good for generating tension, as are the very loud silences nearer the start. I imagine it does get boring after a while - I never finished it on account of getting another game, but I don't remember that the end was in sight. Takes a long while to for me, though, despite my being someone who typically plays games for their storyline more than anything else.

Oh, btw. You may want to try and play the game on a PC emu, Sadako, re the music, if you haven't already. In every game I've played on OS9x, bar Donkey Kong Country and Lufia 2 (mostly), even if the game looks like its running close to full speed, the sound isn't. Usually its playing at around 50-70% of what it should be. Which I can imagine would turn it into "blahblahblah" in a game like SM, where it is primarily for atmosphere anyway. Its certainly not amazing at full speed, but I think it does its job a little better than you're saying.

Thanks again for the review - good read :)
Deleted User posted on Jul 18 2004 at 10:13 AM said:

I dont think you did the game justice, as this game has the Deleted User seal, meaning its the best game EVER. You heard me! Better then any other game....
i concur. and the comparisans with castlevania....after super metroid didnt all the castlevania games become a similar format to it
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DarkMetroid posted on Jul 18 2004 at 07:49 PM said:
I thought the game had allot of style for its time it is one of my favs. Even my user name has metroid in it :P . Mario and Castlevania rocked on snes but Super Metroid revoltionized games look at Castlevania games now and you will understand my point B) .
Castlevania games now are great, what's your point?
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thebluenewt posted on Jul 20 2004 at 12:52 PM said:
DarkMetroid posted on Jul 18 2004 at 07:49 PM said:
I thought the game had allot of style for its time it is one of my favs. Even my user name has metroid in it  :P . Mario and Castlevania rocked on snes but Super Metroid revoltionized games look at Castlevania games now and you will understand my point B) .
Castlevania games now are great, what's your point?
Point izz........ That it has borrowed allot from SuperMetroid even Crocomire mentions it. Castlevania games were bland before and like you said they are now great B) .
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DarkMetroid posted on Jul 21 2004 at 03:08 AM said:
thebluenewt posted on Jul 20 2004 at 12:52 PM said:
DarkMetroid posted on Jul 18 2004 at 07:49 PM said:
I thought the game had allot of style for its time it is one of my favs. Even my user name has metroid in it :P . Mario and Castlevania rocked on snes but Super Metroid revoltionized games look at Castlevania games now and you will understand my point B) .
Castlevania games now are great, what's your point?
Point izz........ That it has borrowed allot from SuperMetroid even Crocomire mentions it. Castlevania games were bland before and like you said they are now great B) .
Ah, ok. Super Castlevania IV was a big improvement I guess, not that the nes ones weren't good.
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About the person who said try it on a PC emu,...I was reviewing the game being played on a GP32, after all this is a GP32 site! So it would be cheating if I were to play the game on a PC emu..
Metriod took me about 8hr on the first time it is one of the few games I thoroughly enjoyed for beginning to end mainly due to some of the cool touches in the game.