Wikipedia "List of commercial video games with available source code": Feedback and input requested


Apr 24, 2016
Hello Pandora community,

I'm the "maintainer" of a list of commercial developed games with source code available on Wikipedia ( ), to my knowledge the most complete list on the web available.

I followed the Pandora community as being remarkably prolific in game porting from all sources to the ARM platform for some time. And hope (and guess?) that this list was helpful for finding some games (one of your members had a link to it in his/her profile). Way around, I found several games in your repository which I wasn't aware before.

So, after I was thinking about for some time of getting in direct contact to you: if you have feedback and remarks regarding the list, drop me a message here :)
(while direct WP contribution would be preferred, I'm aware that unfortunately there is threshold for a successful WP contribution)

I would be especially grateful if you drop me a message when you found a notable game with source code release, even if it is outside the scope of a Pandora port.

cheers and thank you,

(PS: as side note to ED, the Pyra Wikipedia page ( ) could & should be spiced up, for instance if the available images (3D renderings, prototype photos, logo etc) material would be pushed to the creative commons under a CC-SA-BY license... I can give hints here too)
one of your members had a link to it in his/her profile

I would be especially grateful if you drop me a message when you found a notable game with source code release, even if it is outside the scope of a Pandora port.
Will do as soon as I see something that's not already on the list.
To my knowledge, some of the Pandora ports are not really OpenSource as in "Source available on the net" but the local master of porting got the permission to use the source by the maintainer/author.

Are you the same shaddim as the one on the gog-boards by any chance?
It's a very nice list and have use it many times.

I must note that, to my knowledge, Unreal has not been opensourced. A few peoples had been granted access to the source code but that's all.

I think you may be missing Cylindrix: an old dos game refactored and now Cross-compilable and using SDL (I was also thinking of Cytadela but it's a remake, not original sources).
Also Hostile Takeover ( that is the OpenSource version of Warfare Inc.
Puzzle Moppet ( ) was a commercial title too.
I'm not sure for Super Methane Brother ( ), but it's the original author that remade the game from Amiga (closed source, commercial) to PC (opensource).
Same, I'm not sure for X-Men: The Ravages of Appocalypse, has this is a total conversion for Quake, but all QC Scripts are opensources, so I guess it can count ( )
Woow , that was fast, thank you everyone! :)

Will do as soon as I see something that's not already on the list.
thank you, awaiting your input! :)

Are you the same shaddim as the one on the gog-boards by any chance?
yes, that's indeed me.

Quite a few are not open source, instead they were ported via static recompilation - a legal loophole that usually involves quite a lot of work.
Let me elaborate here: this page was born out of ongoing edit wars on the associated "real" open source game page
Here, content like Homeworld (under a "source available" license) was repeatedly added and deleted due to unclarity if Homeworld fits the definition of FOSS or not.

As response, I forked a page as umbrella page integrating all kinds of "source available" games, with varying origin, destination, and non-FOSS license quality.
The page, which grow significantly over three years, is currently subdivided in three tables: 1.) authentic releases source code of copyright holder and/or developer to public or the game's community 2.) availability of source code by dubious and unclear means: leaks, lost&found 3.) properly reverse engineered, to representative code (unlike remakes).

If the grow of the page keeps on, I think I will splitting the last part off, in an own page.

It's a very nice list and have use it many times.
I must note that, to my knowledge, Unreal has not been opensourced. A few peoples had been granted access to the source code but that's all.
Thank you for your many ports, appreciated!
About Unreal, I'm aware of this but included it still as it in the hand of the "game's community".
If you want to port Unreal to the Pandora I guess Smirftsch ( might be open for non-public ports of the source code (I talked with him before).

(Beside, Ironseed's linux port could be also a doable target for a Pandora port )

I think you may be missing Cylindrix: an old dos game refactored and now Cross-compilable and using SDL (I was also thinking of Cytadela but it's a remake, not original sources).
Also Hostile Takeover ( that is the OpenSource version of Warfare Inc.
Puzzle Moppet ( ) was a commercial title too.
I'm not sure for Super Methane Brother ( ), but it's the original author that remade the game from Amiga (closed source, commercial) to PC (opensource).
Same, I'm not sure for X-Men: The Ravages of Appocalypse, has this is a total conversion for Quake, but all QC Scripts are opensources, so I guess it can count ( )
Wow, that's a long list of great material, thanks!

OpenOMF fits on any category?
Ahh, what is the current status? Is it playable now? And is it a "true-to-the-instruction-and-clock-cycle" reverse engineered port? ;)
@shaddim : thanks for that Ironseed link. Indeed, it seems doable, will try to compile those freepascal sources.

About Unreal, ok, I understand (but I tried in the past to contact Smirftsch, I think it was him, from oldunrealpatches, and he wasn't abble to let me port the game, even closed sources).
There are other game in more or less same status as Unreal by the way: Daikatana and Re-Volt (well, RVGL now). Sources are not open but some "closed" access can be given for parts.
Ahhh, what a pity that Smirftsch was not more open here. But at least the source code is save in this case & might be released in the near future (

I hope for same for the similar saved source code of various Wing Commander parts and Ultima:

Daikatana .
ohhh.. I missed this one too. You refer to this Romero leak?
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Ahhh, what a pity that Smirftsch was not more open here. But at least the source code is safe in this case & might be released in the near future (
Yes, I have seen that news. Maybe I should try to recontact Smirftsch...

I hope for same for the similar saved source code of various Wing Commander parts and Ultima:

ohhh.. I missed this one too. You refer to this Romero leak?
Yes, I guess it's that ( )
[doublepost=1461533453,1461532730][/doublepost]Oh and by the way, yes, ironseed is within the reach of the Pandora ;) I'll package it tomorrow probably...


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Oh and by the way, yes, ironseed is within the reach of the Pandora ;) I'll package it tomorrow probably...
impressive, you did it indeed in one day! :)

(Looking out for another challenge? What about Cartlife? ( ) AGS is here too for Linux or Dungeons of Daggorath, Linux port available: )

Not really. OpenOMF is just a re-implementation, like OpenXCOM.
thanks for clarifying, I hope they will make progress, I liked OMF back in the days. :)
Cartlife: I have seen this one, but AGS is already ported, so no challenge here, it's just packaging.

Dungeons of Daggorath, yes, why not. Should be doeable.
[doublepost=1461651060,1461648424][/doublepost]Ok DoD do runs. I'll finish tonight, still need to make a few change to restrick screenres selection, center the gameplay (it's 640x480 to be centered in the 800x480 pandora screen) and then package the game...


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Did someone say Dungeons of Daggorath? it was about the only good game outside of Tetris I had on my Tandy Color Computer 2. Thanks Ptitseb and Shaddim for suggesting it.
Package is done, I'll publish it right now in fact...

Great! Another classic available... :)

(About Cart life, currently I take a look, some things seems Windows hard-baked (a DLL as binary plugin), also 2-3 minor changes were required for AGS 3.3 compatibility...let's see)
Seriously shaddim? Lighting a fire under the ass of a guy that never stops moving? Nice work! I'll have to check a few of these titles out. As always, great work ptitSeb! Unreal would be a sight to see on the Pandora.
I don't really like making requests (although there are a couple games I would like to see early on for the Pyra, so I will beg for those later) however I would also like Unreal...if it was playable on a CC, that is.
Mmmm, I'll see if Cartlife just run with latest AGS package...

About Unreal, I don't have the sources, already tried to gain access to the source without success, and not sure I want to try de-assemble it and port it with notaz tools.