

Laptop und Trachtenjanker
Oct 8, 2008
the mockracy
Preorders for this e-paper writing slate have started, the Shiro model is expected to ship in April for ~200$.

I've been wanting something like this for a long time. What do you guys think?
I have been following their bumpy development for many years now.
It is nice that it finally came out.
Let´s see some reviews, specially on the response time.
Cool i didn't know about that. I already have an Wacom Inkling (which is horribly inaccurate). However I'd more like to see an new Version of the IBM Transnote:
IBM-Touch-Screen-TransNote1.jpg transnote_open.jpg
Wacom's Bamboo Spark + an Pyra would be very close to that.
Looks really interesting, just not sure I would really use it since I like what I have. I like that the case isn't some cheesy feeling plastic. If I need a new reader before color ones with larger screens are cheaper and work well/look decent this is at the top of my list. The main selling point of this (handwriting and drawing) isn't all that important to me, as I always have real paper and a pen with me, and I don't usually feel the need to share my notes.
Something like this would be great indeed. I'm skeptical, however - this screen is just too small, regular paper size is the minimum for me. Their completely exaggerating website and the lack of information over the past few years don't really help convincing me, either.

I really wonder why no bigger company has successfully made something like this before - this would be so practical, at least for students. Maybe it's because my taste in hardware differs too much from most people and only relatively few would actually buy this. oO
I don't write much stuff these days by hand; all my note taking is on some keyboard or other these days. Consequently my handwriting has got somewhat idiosyncratic over the years aka. pretty rubbish.

I'd like to hear more about their platform to be honest, but the video is very brief on content as is their website, so I couldn't find anything much before I got bored scrolling through waffle.
If a keyboard can be hooked into this and it is possible to dual boot linux alongside their custom OS, this looks perfect for me.
The ability to hand draw 1 bit without hassle is of my great interest. I got a note 2 a few years ago and while it is not bad, it dosen´t push the experience.
Still to this day, a cintiq is the only option good enough, but horribly expensive.

Noteslate looked like a good alternative, but the delays really hurted the thing imho.
Latest videos do show some level of bad response time, maybe for 150$ it would be ok, but from my experience with a note 2, it may not cut.

I will wait for when it is out and past reviews and videos, not that I can buy anything at all as of lately.

I think they have been pushing that campaign since 2011, and as with any other company, the level of transparency and lies are just too horrible to deal with.
It is following projects like this that you really see the striking difference between Ed´s way of working and everyone else.
I really wonder why no bigger company has successfully made something like this before - this would be so practical, at least for students. Maybe it's because my taste in hardware differs too much from most people and only relatively few would actually buy this. oO
This does the same kind of stuff, plus much more, and has a color e-ink screen. The big problem is the price.
This does the same kind of stuff, plus much more, and has a color e-ink screen. The big problem is the price.
Hadn't found that before, thanks! I don't even think that the price is completely unreasonable - it might just prevent it from being successfull on a larger scale. If I weren't saving for the Pyra, I would give a shot. Maybe in a few months, as long as it doesn't have any major issues.
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That colour ebook looks horribly laggy, and I'm not sure it supports pressure sensitivity. Now we're not sure how laggy the Noteslate is, but their intention is to make something you can draw or write on, and this ebook isn't that.
I am only interested in stuff like this when it is shipped with an open source os. I own an Asus EeeNote EA800 and it is a very nice device but after the company pulled the plug I was left with an unsupported device that uses proprietary formats and is lacking in exporting annotated pdf's. Love the technology and still use the eeenote frequently though.
Looks like a decent little ereader, but it is way too small for me. I have been looking for a large (i.e. A4) ereader or tablet for a while to display my sheet music, unfortunately there is not a whole lot of choice.

The Notesnote looks like a promising concept, but I have my doubts about them getting it to market.
Looks like this one was just announced recently, and I'm very interested:

I was able to find it on ebay for around 380 USD. Once more resellers pick it up, we will see if it becomes more affordable.

Up until now, most E-readers I've seen either offer stylus support or front light, but not both.

The Onyx M92 had linux running on it (, so if that happens again, this will probably be the tablet for me.

EDIT: Handwriting is demo'd at the end of this review: