On it's way!...

It's not that great to look at, but.....SSHHHH!! Where did you get it? ;)
It's easy to stop looking at the avatar, just get adextingusher, and make it think that whatever avatars you don't want to see are adds :P I did it, and also I stripped the mods of their obnoxiously big logo :)
1. I didn't set the logo, hando did... maybe it's too large, doesn't really matter
2. The pic is from the net, aharding said so in another post
Rico posted on May 20 2003 said:
1. I didn't set the logo, hando did... maybe it's too large, doesn't really matter
2. The pic is from the net, aharding said so in another post
Me didn't say it was anyone's fault, I think it distracts me, so I removed it
P.S. Rico: Keep your terribly fast animated avtars in the same URL, so I don't have to re-block it every time you cahnge (or just don't make it so distracting :P) ;)
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gah, i wish i wasn't such a cheapskate. should of paid the extra 10$ for the ups shipping. it's been a week now. where o where is my gp32?
a dancing monkey AND a dancing Banana - it really doesnt get much better than this... :D

It's comedy genius.
Mofokubik posted on May 21 2003 said:
I almost crapped my pants when I saw that flash cartoon
Huh? What flash cartoon? ( :angry: :angry: :angry: I am really starting to sound like a korean speaking english, they always start their sentences with "Huh?")
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I saw a parody of a mortal kombat ending, cyrax did a friendship and that banana came out and started singing some jelly song.