Obvious? Macromedia Shockwave


Still Fresh
May 16, 2003
Searched the board and this hasn't come up yet, I think.

What about a shockwave player for GP32? I bet it is fairly proprietary, but I was one of the idiots that bought a pogo when they came out, and soon realised that although it was an awesome web browser, it was a cr*p phone!

However, the whole O/S was written in Shockwave and you could load your own shockwave apps to it, which made development a doddle.

The games ran slow on that unit, but then it had a slooow processor compared to GP32 ;)

Any ideas?
i think this is a grand idea, there's some great games and even anims. A shockwave port might even open up areas for other less techie people to create on for gp32.
Yes, all your searching for 'shockwave' may have blanked but a 'flash' player has been discussed :)

Flash is easier to do and I believe the player is open-source - might be wrong there. Either way there are flash players for PocketPCs and it wouldn't be hard to do one for the GP32. With an 128mb SMC you could hold a lot of movies/games :)
Rambozo posted on May 18 2003 said:
I always hear about it and want it BADLY, but nobody ever makes it happen. :-(
likewise! Flash on the go would be awesome!

i hope there's some genius out there with spare time and a kind heart who is capable of porting a Flash player across :D

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It's all just vector animation. It's not like one is possible but not the other, lol. So is Skeezix going to attempt this?
nah its just skeezix is a psychopath with too much coding time on his hands
Nah, he doesn't have too much coding time on his hands... he just uses time for other things to code for Gp32 - for which I'm very grateful. Go Skeezix!!!

Alternatively, he could just have no hands...