Is Chrono Trigger Worth $100 Us?

Well, if $100 is on the table, that's what? 2 new X-box or PS2 games with around half the enjoyment involved in them? So Yep, I'd say so, at least, if you've got $100 to spare...
thats no ripoff!!! in norway it costs around 350$! and its used

games like chrono, FF6, secret of mana and metal slug is worth a LOT of money since its one of the best gaes ever and not produced anymore(mario 3 too)

so if you have a super nintendo i strongly recommend u bu it(a supernintendo costs around 600$

and around 5 years you can sell it for far more$
Chips - mostly based in the northeast (used to go to the original store back in the day) - but they are nationwide (sort of - check the store locator) now.

Edinburgh is probably your closest.

But there are Gamestations all over the country that do much the same sort of thing.
my friend bough a mini-snes with chrono trigger and super mario rpg off and 2 controllers and all the hook ups for about 60 usd

so i guess just wait for someone who is stupid
Cool, I will have to get something (Second saturn, maybe a dreamcast) next time im in the bean.

Unrelated note: OMG my Emule download rate is going through the roof!