The On-going Flu/blu Saga

sam fisher

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2004
Bristol, UK
Sorry for making a new thread bu I just got back from school got my new blu and there is no click when I press down! Also when I press it quickly unlike my old flu it some times does not register the button press. The other buttons are harder to press but I assume that that is normal. None of the other buttons don't click! Should it be sent back to gbax? Also which way does the smart media card go into the gbax reader/writer? Please help me!
Posts like these makes me worried :(

I don't want problems when I get my gp32
ANy other people here have a problem pressing down or at least have it not click?
The bottom left also has a similar problem and when I try to press down somtimes it goes left!
Im not 100% positive but I think this problem has been discussed for the nonBLU GP32s. I think someone said they fixed the joystick problem by opening up the GP32 and putting a small folded piece of paper behind the analog stick. They said that made it register the movements. The same fix may help the buttons but I think they said it had to do with loose connections between the buttons and what they're pressed onto or something. Just thought Id offer what I remeber of a fix for it. :)
Its gbax I got it from. Wheres that test thing? And I would love to send it back but I have emails jaqueline at gbax and now am just waiting. So none else have had this prob? I am going to send it back as I expect something I brought brand new to work!
Yes this problem has been talked about before I would send it back...
Mashmods do a service which fixes this problem (although it is possible to do yourself)...
the test screen if its the same method as the other gp32s is as follows.

go to / load up the main gp32 screen
then press the following L R R L R R L L

This should then load up another screen displaying the test menu

also GBAX are very cool about helping out.

Hope This Helps.
Thank the lord!