

Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2004
Visit site
Perhaps this site is just down, but I doubt it, I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

when something says

zzzt.legalroms.com (haha)


Do I then go to start new server?
And then do I put the website (zzzt.legalroms.com) as the host?
and do I click on local or remote for that website? Remote seems to give me an error right away.

How long does it usually take to connect, I thought I was on to something but it has said connecting for over 5 minutes now, maybe that's not a long time, obviously I"m brand new to this.
....Captain-Pants, could you please rephrase that? I can connect to ftp.legalroms.com (what about this zzzt-stuff?). Please tell me exactly WHAT you are doing, which program you use for it, what you want to do and why you post this question in this forum which is intended for GP32-related questions ;)
I'm sorry I made up a site as to keep this posting legal. I just wanted the formula to be able to get in no matter what the site was called. The site I am trying to connect to has zzz in front of it for some reason, as I said I don't know much of anything when it comes to ftp. I am using cute ftp. I have posted it here as I am trying to get atari st software for my gp32 to run on castaway.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Well, to connect to an FTP just enter the information you get into your program.... er. I have never used CuteFTP to be honest, maybe go for something simple like LeechFTP. Do a google search, start LeechFTP and then basically just enter the information you have into the fields. LeechFTP may very well be the easiest program to use for beginners ;)
Could zzzt. be legitimate, does it not need ftp. somewhere in the site name? Cute ftp seems really simple, but without knowing the basics of the the program, like if I should be adding another server to connect to it, it's still pretty tough ot use.

What I have been doing is I open cute ftp
I go up to file and pull down the menu
I then click on add new FTP server
and then a box comes up
It says
under this it has the option to click on either local or remote

The only thing I am sure of is the port

Should the site (ie zzzt.legalroms.com) go into name and host or just one
Are these kinds of sites usually remote or local?
Could zzzt. be a name to hide it from search engines that are looking for ftp?
Thanks a lot, Leech works really well
It's funny though, I was putting all the same info in all the same slots for cuteftp
I must be missing something
I guess it doesn't matter now :D
Thanks a lot!
Perhaps this site is just down, but I doubt it, I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

when something says

zzzt.legalroms.com (haha)


Do I then go to start new server?
And then do I put the website (zzzt.legalroms.com) as the host?
and do I click on local or remote for that website? Remote seems to give me an error right away.

How long does it usually take to connect, I thought I was on to something but it has said connecting for over 5 minutes now, maybe that's not a long time, obviously I"m brand new to this.
If your being lazy ftp://atari:ste@www.legalroms.com:21 (not sure about the port bit)
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