Cheer Up People :)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Man, rough week here :)

Don't obsess over these "leaving" posts; get on with things. GP32 is a homebrew machine, and theres a lot of homebrew going on (have you forgotten the recent GBAX compo?!).

Ebb and tides, but keep your chin up. The GP32x community has been one of the best and brightest, just keep it up, don't get into some negative spiral when people go. Couple years ago when I signed up, people were leaving then too :)

Yeah your right skeezix,

Glad to see it isnt another im leaving post.

Dont worry any way guys, im learning to code, so you can have a new god :lol:
True, true. The scene has those leaving, but with any luck there'll always be people joining too. People may be leaving - but even three such posts in close proximity isn't a disaster; everyone else is, after all, staying.
True, true. The scene has those leaving, but with any luck there'll always be people joining too. People may be leaving - but even three such posts in close proximity isn't a disaster; everyone else is, after all, staying.
And the BLU is just about to spread .. I imagine gp32spain is going to be bursting its belt anytime now :) Fire up your babelfish...

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I think the thing we have to do is to cut down on the lashings and start being a more friendly community.I've had great help over the past 6 months I've been part of the gp32 community BUT I have received some lashings for...I wouldn't even say stupid, comments! I'm not saying we should change completely but just be open to those newbees. Viva la gp32
True, true. The scene has those leaving, but with any luck there'll always be people joining too. People may be leaving - but even three such posts in close proximity isn't a disaster; everyone else is, after all, staying.
And the BLU is just about to spread .. I imagine gp32spain is going to be bursting its belt anytime now :) Fire up your babelfish...

Thankfully my Spanish is just about good enough to get the jist of the place in its original language (can't stand babelfish unless I absolutely have to). But I'm really hoping to see it swell with new matterial sometime soon. Plus, of course, there was that competition Virgin said they were hoping to run whereby they get people who've just bought a BLU to experiment and enter different proggies a la GBAX or ADIC, but probably advertised directly outside of the communities. Which means more potential entrants. Which means more potential coders.

And much rejoicing was to be had :)

Plus which, I just had another thought. If the GP32 developers were all to suddenly decide to up and quit, we'd still have a fairly large ammount of development potential in the various engines out - Zot, Gigas, VNS, Doom WADs, not to mention any mods done for Beats of Rage.

We'll need a lot more leavers before this puppy'll die.
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Good time to show up and spread some encouragement Skeezix!
I'm sure the gp32 will live alot longer than anyone expects it to (especially Nintendo ;P)
Yeah cheer up people, the gp32 scene won't die at least until the DS hits the market and all Gp32 developers find a new toy to tinker with :)
skeezix, didn't you leave us for the Zodiac and Palm systems? :D

Heh, but you are right, it's nothing to get all worked up over. And just because people are leaving doesn't mean they aren't coming back. I think GP32 is a very fun system to develop for, and right now Zodiac development especially is wrapped up in Tapware's weird agreements. They shall one day see the light and come back to the GP32 :P
Yeah your right skeezix,

Glad to see it isnt another im leaving post.

Dont worry any way guys, im learning to code, so you can have a new god :lol:
cool, what a coincidence, me too!!!

And you can download my latest killer-app here.

It allows up to 5... FIVE enteries onto a database of student names and grades.

It's open source too so you can make improvements if you like.
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Seems to me that people always come and go, but lately we've had a few that felt the need to publicise their leaving. I think that says more about those people than about us that are staying. Like Neil Young said, "It's better to burn out, than to fade away!"

I'll always be here in some form, and I don't care what sort of feedback I get - because I am doing it for my benefit and no-one else's. And my opinion of the GP32 is that it has just the right mix of goodies to always be interesting to some people.

Here's my prediction: people will come, people will go, the GP32 scene will be around for a VERY long time yet, and life will go on :D
skeezix, didn't you leave us for the Zodiac and Palm systems? :D

Heh, but you are right, it's nothing to get all worked up over. And just because people are leaving doesn't mean they aren't coming back. I think GP32 is a very fun system to develop for, and right now Zodiac development especially is wrapped up in Tapware's weird agreements. They shall one day see the light and come back to the GP32 :P
Skeezix does a few things still for the GP32 but not near as much as for Palm. So he kind of "half left" I suppose. I still like his CaSTaway emu, and he recently updated it for chatboard. Who knows maybe he will put in the Cyclone core someday when core is finished as well.
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skeezix, didn't you leave us for the Zodiac and Palm systems? :D

Heh, but you are right, it's nothing to get all worked up over. And just because people are leaving doesn't mean they aren't coming back. I think GP32 is a very fun system to develop for, and right now Zodiac development especially is wrapped up in Tapware's weird agreements. They shall one day see the light and come back to the GP32 :P
Skeezix does a few things still for the GP32 but not near as much as for Palm. So he kind of "half left" I suppose. I still like his CaSTaway emu, and he recently updated it for chatboard. Who knows maybe he will put in the Cyclone core someday when core is finished as well.
I don't believe theres such a thing as "leaving" for a lot of us; you may recall I've been doing Palm OS for a lot of years, long before GP32 ever came around; I just focused on GP32 for awhile, since it was way more fun that Palm OS devices at the time (and really made a lot of things possible that weren't doable before)... but for me, its just a matter of limited time, so I can only put so much energy to hear or there, and Palm OS is where I make a livign so I've got a massive amount of ready to use code already, which makes tihngs easy :)

ie: I just put out Zot you may recall, which is a massive endeaver, running on GP32, Palm OS/Zodiac, Windows, Linux and Mac, all at once! Thats how I like to work.. do it all ;)

But I am pretty tempted to get a BLU to replace my FLU unit... yumyum!

I used to say I'd get a BLU when ASR gets translated, but we all know that'll never happen. I've got ASR in Korean sitting here unused in hopes someday it'll be patched :/

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I only just realised that Zot is that old text-based game engine I played like five years ago. It's on GP32 now? Nice job!
I only just realised that Zot is that old text-based game engine I played like five years ago. It's on GP32 now? Nice job!

Zot is a new thing if mine; I don't know what this other thing is :)

(My) Zot is a scriptable game engine, mostly for topdown games like Gauntlet, time Bandits, or maybe in a pinch, Zelda.

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skeezix, didn't you leave us for the Zodiac and Palm systems? :D

Heh, but you are right, it's nothing to get all worked up over. And just because people are leaving doesn't mean they aren't coming back. I think GP32 is a very fun system to develop for, and right now Zodiac development especially is wrapped up in Tapware's weird agreements. They shall one day see the light and come back to the GP32 :P
Skeezix does a few things still for the GP32 but not near as much as for Palm. So he kind of "half left" I suppose. I still like his CaSTaway emu, and he recently updated it for chatboard. Who knows maybe he will put in the Cyclone core someday when core is finished as well.
I don't believe theres such a thing as "leaving" for a lot of us; you may recall I've been doing Palm OS for a lot of years, long before GP32 ever came around; I just focused on GP32 for awhile, since it was way more fun that Palm OS devices at the time (and really made a lot of things possible that weren't doable before)... but for me, its just a matter of limited time, so I can only put so much energy to hear or there, and Palm OS is where I make a livign so I've got a massive amount of ready to use code already, which makes tihngs easy :)

ie: I just put out Zot you may recall, which is a massive endeaver, running on GP32, Palm OS/Zodiac, Windows, Linux and Mac, all at once! Thats how I like to work.. do it all ;)

But I am pretty tempted to get a BLU to replace my FLU unit... yumyum!

I used to say I'd get a BLU when ASR gets translated, but we all know that'll never happen. I've got ASR in Korean sitting here unused in hopes someday it'll be patched :/

Yeah, that old "for a living" thing always spoils the fun :) You do have your hands full that is for sure. Nice to see you around here still though.

The BLU does look nice, The screen brightness/contrast looks comparable to the Zodiac so you would like it better than the FLU.
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Thanks for the encouraging words skeezix, you have a mature attitude over these things.

Id still like to see what Castaway would be like with Cyclone in it mind :) Still if youre waiting for it to be complete - fair enough.
'tis true' I remember the days before yoyo and Squidge even had GP32s - since then we have seen them come and go (even though yoyo hasnt really gone) to pastures new.

However the Circle will continue and some new coders will turn up again to replace them, probably out of nowhere.