First, I just thought I'd introduce myself a bit. My name is Brian, AKA spongebue. A few (I know 2 for sure) may know me as SpongeBuell. I am from Minnesota, and have wanted a GamePark for about a year at this point. Now, I have a job and money for fun stuff goes with that, so I finally bought myself a GP32.
I am leaving for a trip this Monday, so I hope it comes before then (I bought it from www.the-console-corner.com)
In case the GP32 does come before I leave, does anybody have any suggestions for some good game(s) that will keep a person occupied for a trip from here to Missouri?
First, I just thought I'd introduce myself a bit. My name is Brian, AKA spongebue. A few (I know 2 for sure) may know me as SpongeBuell. I am from Minnesota, and have wanted a GamePark for about a year at this point. Now, I have a job and money for fun stuff goes with that, so I finally bought myself a GP32.
In case the GP32 does come before I leave, does anybody have any suggestions for some good game(s) that will keep a person occupied for a trip from here to Missouri?