Gp32 Blus Have Been Released!!!

That's almost bright enough to power that overhead projector project going on in General Talk...

What I want to know is if you can switch the backlight off when it is not needed to save batteries and how long the batteries last now with the backlight
Yes I heard that you hold down a button when you turn it on to shut off the light. But it is most likely a transreflective LCD so it will be darker than a non-flu when using room light.
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That's almost bright enough to power that overhead projector project going on in General Talk...

It almost looks TOO bright, it may burn through batteries real fast. I can feel a potentiometer mod comming on to adjust brightness :P
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That's almost bright enough to power that overhead projector project going on in General Talk...

It almost looks TOO bright, it may burn through batteries real fast. I can feel a potentiometer mod comming on to adjust brightness :P
Looks too bright? Isn't there only one picture of the BLU with the light on? The one that was taken months ago?
Look at Xenon's post at the top of the page and follow link to picture of a REAL BLU. The flu is real dark and in comparison the BLU is beaming. Not a bad thing but if the brightness could be adjusted it would save power.
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That's almost bright enough to power that overhead projector project going on in General Talk...

It almost looks TOO bright, it may burn through batteries real fast. I can feel a potentiometer mod comming on to adjust brightness :P
Looks too bright? Isn't there only one picture of the BLU with the light on? The one that was taken months ago?
Look at Xenon's post at the top of the page and follow link to picture of a REAL BLU. The flu is real dark and in comparison the BLU is beaming. Not a bad thing but if the brightness could be adjusted it would save power.
Woah! I didn't see that. Dave should edit the first post with that link.

BTW, that pic makes the FLU look like crap in a dark environment. It's really a lot better than that. Don't diss the FLU! :D
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Woah! I didn't see that. Dave should edit the first post with that link.

BTW, that pic makes the FLU look like crap in a dark environment. It's really a lot better than that. Don't diss the FLU! :D
I didn't want to diss the FLU exactly but I had one and it washed out the colors pretty bad, I really didn't like that and the trapezoid effect. That picture is pretty bad though yes, and the FLU is better than that. But since both units are in the same bad picture and the BLU is so much brighter there I can only imagine how bright and shiny clear the BLU will be!

I sold my FLU and got a non-FLU because without that ribbed plastic light distributor sub-screen, the screen was brighter when using room light and doesn't have those faint diagonal lines in it. I plan to use the non-FLU in lighted areas, and get a BLU for dark areas.

non-FLU: best in ambient/lighted areas.

BLU: best for dark areas.

Yes, I am anal when it comes to screen/image quality. A dead pixel or piece of dust in the screen is like the end of the world! The first thing I will do with my BLU will be to rip out that dodgy plastic screen and put in a glass one. :)
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Hmm...I never had any washed out colors and the trapezoid effect wasn't too bad. You don't notice it once you start playing and get into the game.
Hmm...I never had any washed out colors and the trapezoid effect wasn't too bad. You don't notice it once you start playing and get into the game.
Then that is the best solution for your needs. If you want one unit that does everything and aren't super picky, the FLU is a good way to go.

I know what you mean though. I had this piece of dust in my screen that was bugging me but after I start playing I forget about it and stop noticing it.
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WOW. Even with the low quality of those pictures, definetly WANT a BLU. I have a FLU right now and I am throughly satisfied with it, but that BLU is bright. I still want to wait for some hardcore reviews, batterys testers, and the gang here to get there hands on it before making a big decisions though. Man, I hope this brings some more commercial releases!!!
Damn. Indeed, the BLU looks brighter, but at my job, I play my gp32_console (FLU) without the light on, since we have plenty of overhead lights, and I would like to see better pictures of the BLU with the light turned off, compared with the FLU. I still need the internal light for playing at home though.
looks like someone will be able to sell me a nice flu when they upgrade


(unlit gp32er) :(
The non-lit version is still the best when in lit areas as it is a bit brighter without the inner screen.

If you keep the Non-FLU and get a BLU you will have the best of both worlds.
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I pre-ordered one. What cinched it was the free voltage mod, free SMC, and free card reader. GBAx rocks LOL
So what programs come with the BLU? Is there a new MP3 player? It says it comes with Image and text anyhere or something so how are those programs? No one has answered me yet. Can someone put them up for download? Or will GamePark release them on their own like with the beta that we can flash with the fxe?