Excessive Alcohol And Body Odour


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Aug 14, 2003
north-east UK
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i've never known anything like this before :blink: extended 3 day drinking sessiion over the weekend -

probably about 40 or 50 cans over 3 days...

anyway i woke up on sunday to the worst smell EVER! i thought my cat had pissed on my bed or something, only WORSE! i didn't know where the smell was coming from, 'cause it seemed to be coming from *everywhere...

it was me! it was alcohol byproducts coming out in my sweat... i've googled for it and it turns out it's definitely not microbial, it's actually my sweat... :( when i shower it does no good, because the smell just comes back straight away...

i've got things to do! but i can't go out like this... what's even worse is that i'm infecting everything i touch... i've left my duvet with an evil smelling full body 'shroud of turin' yellow sweat shape.. to prevent this happening again i've wrapped myself in sheets to try and stop anything penetrating...

i'm frigging miserable... anyone else had this happen to them? i hope it wears off soon :( :( :(
I wouldnt worry. You have something I normally call the "vodka sweats". (Got it sometimes in Uni). Usually happens when your body cant handle the amount of alcohol your taking in. Just drink lots of water (to keep hydrated) and in a couple of days you'll be fine :) [You may also notice that your eyes might have a glazing over them and this is just another characteristic of the vodka sweats].

Dr. lizard808uk
hehe... looks like u will smell untill its all out of your system.. Im glad I dont have to sit / work or what ever next to you :lol: hehe :P
get yourself some rehydration salts from the chemists, they work wonders for hangovers and will help your body recover from lack of water
You seem to have dehydrated and the alcohol has come out of your sweat. Personally I haven't suffered from this and a shower won't fix it if you keep sweating? Is it hot? If so you may wish to buy a fan or try going somewhere cooler. But really you just got to drink a lot of fluids to dilute the alcohol smell, and clean out your system. It should go in time.
BWAHAHAHA :lol: thankyou, this is the funniest thing i've read all day!

go on a hippy celebrity type diet thing! Drink lots of water and fruit juice, also tea should be good. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

lastly i'd recommend lots of exercise, the weathers good for sweating and if you tackle to issue head on by sweating it out quickly good results will come sooner.

i remember after a night of curries my pits stank of a tandooris rubbish bin, was disgusting!
BWAHAHAHA :lol: thankyou, this is the funniest thing i've read all day!

go on a hippy celebrity type diet thing! Drink lots of water and fruit juice, also tea should be good. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

lastly i'd recommend lots of exercise, the weathers good for sweating and if you tackle to issue head on by sweating it out quickly good results will come sooner.

i remember after a night of curries my pits stank of a tandooris rubbish bin, was disgusting!
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just drink so much water that you must pee every five minutes...pop and tea will make you pee more as well...caffiene makes you pee...just drink water until you pass out... :)

btw...reading your post just made my day... :lol:
Of course if you plan on drinking loads of water you might be better advised to wait till it gets cooler.

If its really hot (like it has been today here) you will sweat any fluids you drink pretty much instantly which won't help you rehydrate! (And might make the smell worse :unsure: )

And STAY AWAY from anthing with caffeine in it - It makes those nerves that control sweating go mental!

Damn - looking at it that's almost the exact opposite advice that everyone else has given you ....
One time for a few days I smelt like vinegar, despite constantly showering.

I don't know if it was alcohol related, but it was fucking weird.
after a bit of googling and some cut'n'paste into notepad i've compiled this from various sources... i'm getting a bit better now i think. :ph34r:


The liver is responsible for the elimination - through metabolism - of 95% of ingested alcohol from the body. The remainder of the alcohol is eliminated through excretion of alcohol in breath, urine, sweat, feces, milk and saliva. The body uses several different metabolic pathways in its oxidation of alcohol to acetaldehyde to acetic acid to carbon dioxide and water.

When exposed to acetaldehyde vapors, humans develop irritation of the eyes, skin and the respiratory tract. Acetaldehyde is a volatile colourless liquid with a pungent smell. Acetaldehyde vapours are heavier than air. Acetaldehyde is generally regarded as a cancer-causing agent and is the main harmful chemical involved in a hangover.

Acetic acid is the chemical compound responsible for the characteristic odor and sour taste of vinegar. Typically, vinegar is about 4 to 8% acetic acid.

There are several things, however, that you can put into your body to ease the pain and assist rapid recovery, including a little-known substance called cysteine. Cysteine directly counteracts the poisonous effects of acetaldehyde.

also there is a pill called RU-21. RU-21 claims to use only natural ingredients in the tablets, including ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), succinic acid and fumaric acid and L-Glutamine, an amino acid found naturally in the body.

But perhaps the most interesting aspect of RU-21 is its origins. According to the company's website, RU-21 is said to have been developed in secret after the second world war by the Russians as part of a 25-year study into how the body absorbs alcohol.

"When the KGB heard about RU-21, it seized the formula for itself as a tool for its agents. The idea was for them to be able to drink their targets under the table while remaining clear-headed. Although the original intention of the pill was to help Soviet agents avoid becoming drunk, its effect is felt in preventing hangovers," the website claims.


seems like your vinegar days could have been a similar thing, LHC...

anyhow i'm glad i entertained you all :P :P :P , nothing like another's misfortune to brighten up your day (as long as it's not *too* bad, of course) :rolleyes: :P :P :P :D
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