This Time Next Year What Will The Gp Have?

I don't think the GP32 will get lesser games, since all the people who started this year with a Game became much better and released at least a honourable tech demo.
In a Year I see games like a completed Fanport of Metal Slug, Vertical bumped up to a top-notch shooter, Advance Wars in such perfection and variation that it beats the GBA Game, Final War with Multiplayer I-net Support and much much more.

In one Year I'll have a PSP, but I won't get rid of my GP32, since the open source aspect of it makes it unbeatable by such a commercial machine.
I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but Advance Wars 32 is never going to 'beat' Nintendo's GBA version, we're more likely to just get the GBA emulator we all want and play the real one (and that's pretty unlikely!)...

the scene will stay small for a long while
but I feel that the Euro launch will help that problem, a little
We will stay small till thee launch of DS and PSP and Zod goes cheaper
it will render the gp32 almost obsoltet ( wow, spelled that bad )
the 32 will hang on for a bit, but I think that people will keep theirs just to play good retro stuff
and Doom , and whatever is left when the 32 goes dormant
quite frankly, the 32 wont die, it just wont be dev'd for much longer
it will still be used by many of us , and will be there till a Gamepark handheld comes out again

anyways, I hope to see quake , a start on internet , 512 or lager pen drive support is flawless , and a shitload of good and more bad RPG's from Gigas

God knows what we'll have.

But one thing I know is that it ain;t gonna last forever, and it's going to be superseded at some point. Be this by the Zodiac (unlikely) the PSP (hacked, possibly), or some other yet to be announced wonder. Enjoy it while it's here, and hopefully GP will get enough support to develop it's follow up (also unlikely).

Like I said - Enjoy it!
Aside from GBA, there aren't many new frontiers to work on for GP32... Quake maybe?

I don't think chatboards will be commonly used, either. Just doesn't seem neccessary for me and I think a lot of other people won't bother with them.
I dissagree a bit here. There are many frontiers to be worked on.

finished emus of these: Atari Lynx, NGP, C64, Vectrex, AtariST, ColecoVision, Atari 2600, Intellivision, GB/GBC, NES, you already mentioned SNES/GEN, TG-16, MAME, WS.

Ports/updates of these: Heretic, Hexen, Doom bugfixes, Elite, BOR.

Seems like alot of "frontiers" left to me.
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At the rate FDave is going we should have a totally done mega drive emulator (get it into your fat skulls you foolish colonials, its mega drive not genesis!).
Snes should have had all its bugs fixed too.
I'll guess Neo Geo Pocket will be done and hopefully GBA (if its not done by next year it never will be)
Next year gamepark will announce the GP128 and it will continue all of todays work...

Hopefully someone will make a SMC-2-X converter, where X should be some kind of memory that is more then 128mb. Or a tv-adapter ;)
Well NGP/C is still being worked on so maybe we wont have to wait a year :D

TeDaDeS: There already is an smc-x converter, where x is XD, but it is incompatible, due to the fact that the gp32 is based around 128mb or something to do with the SDK, i cant really remember.
call it genesis Josquius, it's so much cooler
But Genesis was the name of the band that Phil Collins was in.


\Gen"e*sis\, n. [L., from Gr. ge`nesis, fr. the root of gi`gnesqai to beget, be born; akin to L. genus birth, race. See Gender.] 1. The act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything; the process or mode of originating; production; formation; origination.



Meg- \Meg-\, Mega \Meg"a\, Megalo- \Meg"a*lo-\ [Gr. me`gas, gen. mega`loy, great.] Combining forms signifying: (a) Great, extended, powerful; as, megascope, megacosm. (B) (Metric System, Elec., Mech., etc.) A million times, a million of; as, megameter, a million meters; megafarad, a million farads; megohm, a million ohms.

drive (drv)
A strong motivating tendency or instinct, especially of sexual or aggressive origin, that prompts activity toward a particular end.

According to the definitions above (sourced from various places) i think that the name "MegaDrive" Sounds alot cooler to me. :P

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Well, I was going to do a Digger remake, but now I just can't be arsed :(

A GBA Emu for the Zodiac would be nice, but I've got more chance of getting a gorgeous fit blonde bimbo with huge boobies in the coming week than plucking up enough motivation to write one.

Darn, looks like I've got a life of tech demos heading my way, with nothing getting finished or useful :angry: :(

Hmmm.. Maybe aircon in my room will work.
Full speed SNES with sound at FS 1-3
Full speed GENESIS with sound at FS 1-3
A gba emu that can play some commercial games at full speed without sound at FS4+
Some good quality commercial titles
32mb versions of emus
Next year gamepark will announce the GP128 and it will continue all of todays work...

Hopefully someone will make a SMC-2-X converter, where X should be some kind of memory that is more then 128mb. Or a tv-adapter ;)
Don't count on that. It took them 3 years just to stick a backlight in it. The case is even the same damn color (black would have been so much cooler) <_<
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Well according to your predictions I'll be very happy :D Mega Drive (Way cooler name) SNES and Neo Geo pocket is all i wanted :D
gp32 will be fine :)

only problem will be that in some years one or two coders won't have time to code for gp32 and will therefore say goodbye, gp32scene :( (actually something that shouldn't happen but will)
a majorpain would be if gp32x wouldn't exist anymore (hando, dare to back out ; )

but well, we'll have plenty of time left till the scene dies out and i think that even then there will be coders that keep deving for gp32 (like me ^^)

the neogeo didnt die, the ngpc didnt die and the dc didnt die (even thought they dont have such a large homebrew-scene s gp32 has, thought that may be the reason o0), so i think least thing that will die is gp32

:ph34r: devrs dev for gp32 :ph34r: