I Need A Proof


Jan 5, 2004
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Hi there

I really need your help! I just came home from a party (its 2 a.m. now), and we had a serious discussion about the Space Shuttle Program. I am convinced, that a space shuttle can "bounce off" (not sure if its the right word) , if it doesnt reenter the earth-atmosphere in a certain inclination. Would be nice, if you could help me finding proof. I had a look at the Official NASA Page, but it doesn´t say ANYTHING about how a spaceshuttle has to enter. Please help me

PS: im not drunk, and this is no joke!

PSS: it doesnt matter, if its actually a proof that says that the last remaining modules of the Saturn 5 can "bounce off" that will do it too.
Well, things can skin the atmosphere and instead of entering the atmosphere bounce back out into space. It depends on the density of the atmosphere. For Earth, it is possible the shuttle could bounce of the atmosphere if the re-entry degree angle is too shallow (not direct enough). But if they come in too directly, they'll re-enter too quickly and possibly burn up or crash real hard.
here ya go m8 :D Click Mah

quote from site:
Entry guidance must dissipate the tremendous amount of energy the orbiter possesses when it enters the Earth's atmosphere to assure that the orbiter does not either burn up (entry angle too steep) or skip out of the atmosphere (entry angle too shallow) and that the orbiter is properly positioned to reach the desired touchdown point.

you were right! :ph34r:
its true and is an example of where "Hollywood Science" is actually true - watch Apollo 13 and you'll see what I mean (same principle applies to shuttles)

You can re-enact the same forces when skimming a flat pebble across a pond or river. :)
Damn, I wish parties I went to involved talks like that. Rather than the booze, stupid games, women and music :rolleyes:.
well we talked abput that before, but we started talking like that, when booze, stupid Gmaes, women and music were all gone.

and thank you for the links. The really helped me.
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While were on the subject of answering questions

Is it true that we see upside down, coz i reckon thats impossible if u think about it hard enough

I reall need a pic to show u my theory so here it is, sorry for the gruesome nature of the picture (the guys got something inside his foot) but i dont have a digicam so i had to improvise


OK, so say ure looking at your feet, but if what really in existance is an upside down version of what u see t would look like the right ricture, but that physically impossible coz i can feel my legs are attached to me and where they are, just remember that the whole body isn't turned upside down just yourr vision,

Does anyone know whts going on!!!!!!!!!!


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  • feet.gif
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didn't they do that test where a person had some glasses on for a while that flip the image round to be upside down + the person very quickly got used 2 it + when they came off had to get used 2 seeing the right way up again i think its just the brain that adapts
What we percieve as the world around us is excactly that - a perception. there IS no 'upside-down', as that is just the opposite to what we are used to. The brain adapts, as said above, if the orientation is changed, and therefore the other way around then seems like 'upside down'.

What IS true is that the image projected onto the retina is inverted in both planes due to the way the lens in our eye refracts the light. However, the brain takes this information and makes sense of it, allowing our body to interact correctly with it.
didn't they do that test where a person had some glasses on for a while that flip the image round to be upside down + the person very quickly got used 2 it + when they came off had to get used 2 seeing the right way up again i think its just the brain that adapts
Yep, some crazy glasses that inverted the image. You get upside-down vision for a few hours I think before the body flips it for you.
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seriously, i gotta find these glasses, does your brain sorta rotate the image, or is it suddenly the right way up?

Or do u blink then suddenly every thing is normal
Axeman sounds all Matrix!

This stuff REALLY confudels me, am I looking at this screen in a differant way than it actually is? & who is to say if I am, nobody has saw it in the other way.

Jesus Im a retard!
seriously, i gotta find these glasses, does your brain sorta rotate the image, or is it suddenly the right way up?

Or do u blink then suddenly every thing is normal
You don't notice it change. It just becomes normal for you're body and you percieve things in a way your body understands more.
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I believe you see both upside-down and regular images merging into one, much like our brains currently merge two eye images into one. Now that's screwed up!