Matt Magoo's Praise

Hmm, wasn't sure whether to show you this, it's a tad shit... but just for fun, eh!

btw people are giving you pictures of gmae packaging, don't do the, cos the scans won't be good quality and they'll be too hard to do and they'll look shite. Stick to doing pixel stuu, easier and funner to edit. :P
for example with bubble bobble do this:
btw people are giving you pictures of gmae packaging, don't do the, cos the scans won't be good quality and they'll be too hard to do and they'll look shite. Stick to doing pixel stuu, easier and funner to edit. :P
Agreed, the R-type scan had artifacts up the kazoo due to JPEG compression. Nothing that a Soften brush won't fix, though.
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Excellent tho, bet u used photoshop!!
I can't wait till tomoro, then i can make newuns in a minute
Thanks, I used PSP, and it's a really cheap hack... mostly cutting stuff up and cloning it... but I wanted to see how you did it. I agree with the minute thing too - it took me about 30 minutes but I'm sure you can do it much faster ;)
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the worst thing about using paint is that you have no layers to work with, si u cant tuck thing behing otherthings as easily, and thing like the gradient are a lot easier to work with a proffesional package

I'll see how fast it take me to do one 2mro, u can pick what u want me to edit, and ill do it as fast as I can
Well, I am responsibly for Ricos wicked new signature

Thats well good, i dont know y anyone thinks im so good, the qality on mine are bollocks

Just wait till friday, when I'll FINALLY be able to play aroubnd with photoshop
lol, ive been messing around trying to find something that i feel sums up rico, what better than the HYPNO BABY

so here i am trying to think of whats better than a HYNO BABY, then it hit me 8 HYPNO BABIES
*sigh* I swapped me and matt's signatures around for a joke, but matt changed it back immediately and then added some stupid note implying that he had done it. Then I changed my sig back making his note look more stupid.