Who's Selling Up For A BLU?

Who of you are selling you're current GP to buy a BLU?

  • Yes, I'm selling my non FLU to buy a BLU.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I'm selling my FLU to get a BLU.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll wait to see the battery life, and if it overclocks ok etc.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'm sticking with what I have for good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Efram the retarded rabbit
Jul 2, 2003
This poll is meant for those who already have a GP32, if you are just planning to buy a BLU as well as your current gp32_console then just click other. Same goes for those who don't own anything yet and will just buy the BLU when it comes out.
I haven't got a GP32 yet, so I preordered the BLU from GBAx last night. Having read people's posts here regarding marketing strategy, I have to say I agree. I hadn't even heard of the GP32 until about two weeks ago, else I'd have bought one years ago.

Oh this is my first post, so 'Hello' etc.
im definately not changing to a blu...........well unless my non-flu breaks then i will definately consider buying one....... or wait to see what the ds and psp are like
I <3 my FLU. It overclocks fine, so I see no need to splurge on another 'toy'. I seriously doubt the batteries will last longer than 4 hours with a BLU LCD (I had a Game Gear).
My FLU overclocks to 166Mhz nicely so I'll be keeping her. If I had the moola to buy a new toy it would be a Z rather than a GP32 with a slightly improved light. If they had improved the joystick I would have ordered one immediately mind ...
No Chance... My Non Flu does fine... I would rather get a PSP if my GP32 breaks (Gran Turismo and GTA Etc would kick ass :D)...
BaDToaD posted on May 23 2004 at 11:33 AM said:
Oh this is my first post, so 'Hello' etc.

Welcome to the community. PS I hope you've read the FAQs etc as some people 'round here are sticklers for it ;)
Keep this in mind, though ... the FAQ hasn't been updated in awhile, but the basics are covered.
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i might get a BLU aswell incase i ever have a long night-time car journey, also it would be good to have a backup if one fucks up :P or might just get a psp, ds or zodiac
Nightripper posted on May 23 2004 at 12:22 PM said:
Well, my GP32 (normal, not FLUl) recently broke and I got my money back, so I'll probably add up some money and buy a FLU.
why not a BLU ?
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I cracked the LCD on my current GP, so it's not much good for selling. However, I am selling a few other systems/games for either a BLU or an FLU. Check out the marketplace posts by me, jmetal88, if you're interested. I kind of posted twice, but you only need to read one of them (sorry 'bout that!).
my flu ocs to 166 without problems and I don't mind the loss of vibrant color that plagues the flu much at all. If it's still working, I see no need to pick up a blu:]
I voted that I'd keep what I had for good, of course this only applies till it breaks or something then I will prolly get a BLU (if a better alternative hasn't come up!)