
What is the favorite pet that you have?

  • Dog

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Frog

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hamster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turtle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bird

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I have a dog named Teddy, and we have EVIL next door neighbors that also have a lab, and they think that Teddy will hurt theirs, so they don't let theirs play with ANY dogs. EVIL! <_< Also, I used to have birds, but I left them in America when I moved. :P
I have a cat named ollie. he's nothing special but he makes me happy. he's a white mutt of some sort. even though he's an ungreatful little brat. but then again so am I.

my cat is a siamese seal-point called charlie

i will always have cats they are better than dogs even though i have a dog as well, a yorkshire terrier called pepi.

:) :) :)
My wife has a cat.

Uhh...wait a minute this poll was about your favorite pet? Well in that case forget my answer.
I thought Persians were carpets? :huh:

I'm not allowed to hold pets in my flat... But there is a bird outside my bedroom
window who imitates my wake-up call at 4:15 in the morning. <_<
I have a dog named casey. He is a freak accident because his whole family was black, and he was white, also his eyes are 2 different colors, he is smart and one of a kind. I also have a turtle named snappy.
Grew up with dogs: german shepards, big danes, labradors, Poodles, Tekkels (tekkel, eh I need a little help here, maybe some fellow Dutch persons can help me translate ´Tekkel´) and bouvier des flandres. Cat´s, rabbits, ginea pigs, and a giant pink pet Pig called Moe. My parent´s thought it was cool to live in the countryside amongst the farmers when I was a kid, and I quite enjoyed it untill we moved back to the city when I was 12. Since then a pet parakeet, a rat named roland. Roommates in college....

Then medical school, which left little room for pets.

My girlfriend is a little bit allergic to anything that has fur so now we have a nice fish tank and we have our neighbour´s cats over for a visit every once in a while (that is, if my girlfriend is able to take enough anti histamine tablets).

Nothing anywhere near a gp32 subject, but hey what the heck. :D
Dogs still aren't in the lead :angry: go dogs, go!!!!!!!!!! ;)

EDIT: No, unless it is bio-mechanic it doesn't count :P
thebluenewt posted on May 13 2003 said:
Dogs smell! Come on you cats!
Well, they do smell, but they are smarter (try to teach your cat to sit) Also, a cat scratched me when I was ~4 yo and from then on I was scared of cats (still now) :D
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Heh, I like dogs, hate cats. No need for something that craps inside, Spews hairballs everywhere, and will scratch things up. Plus my dog is smart as hell, he is so cool. Im gonna go give him a doggy treat right now.