Who Wants My Gp32 ?


May 12, 2003
After 12 months of struggling emulators,poor homebrew and half assed ports I think its time to lay my Original GP32(non lit) and get myself a REAL handheld machine.

Maybe one of them Zodiac things, they look cool AND come in black!!!!

And its got a GBA emulator!!!!!!!!!!!

So who wants my GP32 ?

Im taking the smeg of course
Wrong Forum. This is better placed in the marketplace forum.

I would wait until you see BLU's hitting the stores first, to make _sure_ they are not just a fairytale. :)

Otherwise, look at current new prices and if its in perfect condition, subtract %30, and that should be a good price. (of course any extras you have with it may increase that price.)

Remember that Lik-Sang just dropped their price of new GP32's by $30. So thats the "going price" for new units.
i know it the wrong forum but I just fancied seeing how many Hardcore GPers i could wind up with the first paragraph

Im a bad man
timeslip posted on May 21 2004 at 05:23 AM said:
i know it the wrong forum but I just fancied seeing how many Hardcore GPers i could wind up with the first paragraph

Im a bad man
Good thing I am patient enough to read your whole post, I was about to give you a good sized knot on your head when I read poor homebrew.
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Akuma no Houkon posted on May 21 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
timeslip posted on May 21 2004 at 05:23 AM said:
i know it the wrong forum but I just fancied seeing how many Hardcore GPers i could wind up with the first paragraph

Im a bad man
Good thing I am patient enough to read your whole post, I was about to give you a good sized knot on your head when I read poor homebrew.
Ho ho ho

Your stuff rocks! couldnt get past 1st level of perfect fit tho
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thebluenewt posted on May 21 2004 at 12:34 PM said:
Wolfsclaw posted on May 21 2004 at 12:33 PM said:
lol, have fun with your gba emu on zod which actually IS NOT out.

and half assed ports eh? poor homebrew? lamer.
Did you read the whole post?
Im a lamer?
OH NO!!!!

Im sure that dumbass saying died out 10 yeara ago.............
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this post is funny....

(but just for those people who didn't read all of the post: He is buying a GP32 Blu not a Zodiac)
his sig is a joke version of " All Your Base Are Belong To Us"
is was a big thing in the US a few years back , even had that bloke on the front of "TIME Magazine" its about bad game translation
heh .

good post btw i thought you were serious till i read it all LOL

good one , shame some peopel are clever enough to read entire posts :)
:% oh sorry when i read the first few lines of the first post, i became very angry, sorry for that... -.-

@bringoutthegimp: zero wing genesis with the reggie from the nintendo ds presentation at e3 ;)
i got both Z and gp32

i wouldnt sell and get a Z if i were you i would use it to break a window and steal elephant shoes

reminds me of the time we went cow rolling ahhhhhhh :rolleyes:
Im glad some people have got a sense of humour!

Its just a shame askquestionsaskanswers hasnt show up, the crazy illiterate bugger aint shown up cos i could have fancied taunting him!
Bloody post has been moved!!!!!
If your interested in the GP32 look at the proper sales post elsewhere in this forum
i miss askanswersayquestion, i think we should invite him back, hes the only person i could ever bring my self to be bothered flaming, if that made any sense.
Im gutted that i missed him,but i`ve since learned to enjoy his particular malling of the english language on his old posts............

...........I would have had fun with him!
moz posted on May 21 2004 at 02:59 PM said:
i got both Z and gp32

i wouldnt sell and get a Z if i were you i would use it to break a window and steal elephant shoes

reminds me of the time we went cow rolling ahhhhhhh :rolleyes:
Although the way things are going lately the Zodiac thing might not be a bad idea. It seems all of the best coders have jumped ship for the Zodiac so there is not too many left doing GP32 anymore. The latest to jump ship to Zodiac is Squidge. Even fdave has been posting alot in the Zodiac forums so he could be next.

Oh well I guess what the GP32 has now is still pretty good so it is still worth having one. The Zodiac can be a bit of a pain sometimes anyway as you have to keep charging it all of the time even if you don't use it, and the analog stick sucks for controlling emulated games with the setting it uses. We shall see I guess.
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