Lufia 2 Freezes @ 166mhz.



While playing Lufia at 166Mhz, the game will randomly freeze, but works fine @160mhz. Is this just an isolated thing? Since I can play GPengine and Doom OC'd @166mhz, I think maybe it is, but has anybody else experienced this? I'm playing it on OpenSnes0.2 BTW.
Each app is different and It's surely because your gp32 doesn't support very well 166 Mhz on OpenSnes 0.2 even though it supports 166 Mhz very well on GP Doom. :)
GPDoom & OSnes9xGP prolly use different settings for 166MhZ. At least in computer OCing, 15x 133MhZ (2GhZ) might work, while 10x 200MhZ (2GhZ) doesn't. Mabye there are different settings 1.66x 100MhZ or 1.24x 133MhZ. Or something like that.
I've been playing Lufia 2 on OS9x at 166MHz with sound pretty much since 0.2 came out... never had a crash that wasn't related to battery problems. So its probably to do with your GP not fully supporting 166MHz as a speed.
Theres people that can play fgen stuff (including me) at 166 without crashes, but everything else works at 156 max. If fgen works slightly differently, wouldnt it be worth other apps being set to run at 166 the same way as fgen? So more people can clock higher?