Commercial game suddenly deffective?


Still Fresh
Dec 22, 2003
Hi evreyone,

Somthing weird happened with the commercial game I bought, Her Knights: Deadline.

I've had the game for about a week now, and have been playing it no problem as recently as yesterday evening.

I put the card in today to show it to a friend, and the unit freezes when I try to access the file manager.

I tried to repair the errors via the tools menu, and the unit finds and repairs 2 errors on the card. When I again try to access the file manager, it still freezes.

I tried to see if I could find anything else out by having the PC Link program analyze the card's contents...and that to comes up with an error, and the only thing that appears in the contents window is a folder named (..)

I'm not sure what could have happened to the game card. I has been in it's plastic sleeve since it's last use, and out of sunlight.

The card has not been in the unit since I last played it, so I know for a fact it was'nt accidentaly formated...if thats even a possibility with a commercial game product.

anyone have any ideas how I can get this thing working? Or maybe the game card is deffective? Perhaps it's a problem with this game speccifically?

any help would be greatly appreciated.


I'm not sure what could have happened to the card, as the standard 128 SMC I have works fine
In fact any magnetic field could erase or corrupt the data on a SMC,
check if there´s a magnetic source next to where you´ve been moving around with your gp32.
Did you backup your game?
I got the game as a Christmas gift. It's the Korean version I believe, and it was ordered from

I did'nt have the card near any sort of magnet to me knowledge...and the standard smc was with the game card the whole time, and nothing happened to that.

I did'nt back the game up unfortunatly...
A Backup wouldn't help either 'cause the bought games only run on the original SMC - and when it's defective it won't work on any other card...

Best thing is to contact PlayAsia and exchange the SMC...
And the first thing to do when you receiv a game it to back-up it :)
yes but with the backup he could try to format hte smc, then re install the game and see if it's work
Thanks for the help evreyone,

I think I'm going to try to get an replacement on the game. I'm really suprised that this happened though.

A friend told me that static can really screw up one of these smart media cards as well, and I did have the card in my pocket for a breif peroid, but it was in the plastic sleeve.

Backing it up sounds like a good idea for the future, if in fact I can effectivley back the game up, and replace it if nessecary. But I hear there is a way to purchase Gamepark games through direct download, with out a card,box or manual.
That seems like the best bet, since these damn cards are so sensitive, and I'd sure be pissed if I this happened again.

Anyone know the website were I can purchase the downloadable games?
Ther is an option in the PC-Link to back-up a game, or you can just copy all the files to a folder in your comp :P
Thanks Trooper,

Play-Asia was kind enough to offer me a replacment, but unfortunatly not for the same game.

Seems they're out of stock on All For Princess: Deadline...and their not sure if they're going to get it back in.

Guess it still beats having a deffective card that does nothing.

I'll download the games from there from now on.

I downloaded a demo of the game Bloody Cross, which is a .fpk file. Anyone know were I should download it onto the SMC to get it to run? I tried dropping it in GPMM, but no luck.

thanks again
In fact any magnetic field could erase or corrupt the data on a SMC,
check if there´s a magnetic source next to where you´ve been moving around with your gp32.
Did you backup your game?

Magnetic fields dont affect SMCs AFAIK. They're solid-state storage devices, not magnetic storage like HDDs, FDDs, tapes etc.

Magnetic fields cant affect them, but static can, though not very often, and you have to be very unlucky.
...thats me, Mr. Unlucky.

I still am really confused as to what exactly happened to the data on the card....
It was in my pocket, protected for a very short while, static is the only thing that could have killed it, it seems.

It's just really weird