Cubase ;)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Hey, I have a small problem...

I tried installing Cubase on Castaway... but it doesn't run because it doesn't find the hardware key...
No... where do I plug in the dongle on the GP32?
Oh, and... by the way... where is the MIDI-port? ;)

Mhuaahahahaaaa... I finally found a program you WON'T be able to emulate properly...
But... well... okay, I guess, that's not fair... hmmm... I admit it: If it has something to do with software, I think you can
do anything, skeezix... :)
Now, onto a gamecube emulator... ;) ... just where do I stick in those tiny DVD discs? ;)
Yuo know if someone dumps the chip on the dongle, I coudl get Cubase to run likely :) Looking at notation all day would be almost useful, but go home :)

Ahh, well, I guess it would be easier to create a patch that the program doesn't look at the dongle anymore...
But, hey, Cubase Lite is freeware and should work.
Just wanted to see once again the good ol' Atari version (we have Cubase VST at work) where it all started... and just forgot about the hardware key (shame on me ;)
A number of friends of mine onyl stopped using Cubase ont he ST a few years ago. The upgrade costs just didnt' do it for them.. if they already had a STacy and Cubase.....

Does VST still feel like an ST at all? :)

IT shoudl have a busy-bee :)

btw this is semi-related, where is the HD! just Civilisation says it can be installed onto the HD and I wanna play Civ!
Cubase VST on the PC is pretty well done.
It doesn't feel like the Atari VST, but if you need to WORK with it, it's better :)

... a harddisk?
<sarcasm on>
Try plugging in external USB harddisks... if you're lucky, Castaway will recognize them :D
<sarcasm off>

Otherwise, I guess you just wait... skeezix will probably implement it sooner or later if it is really
needed... (well, you know, he just might upload a version with harddisk support at the moment... he surprised me more than once ;))
Shrike posted on May 8 2003 said:
btw this is semi-related, where is the HD! just Civilisation says it can be installed onto the HD and I wanna play Civ!
Doing a virtual hard drive is a fair amount of work (trust me; I've done it before, actually, for my own ST emu). I imagine it woudl also be really slow, since an SMC is *not* a hard drive.. its a slow storage medium overall. While it woudl help with a few games, it wouldnt' help with most of them, thats for sure, so its bottom of the pile of things to work on :)

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skeezix posted on May 8 2003 said:
so its bottom of the pile of things to work on :)
anychance of a ASCII dump of this pile, jeff? :P
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stickofjoy posted on May 8 2003 said:
skeezix posted on May 8 2003 said:
so its bottom of the pile of things to work on :)
anychance of a ASCII dump of this pile, jeff? :P
In another life, I write list and time management software for PDA's, so I'm good with todo list. My main ToDO list is more than 650 items long. So don't ask ;)

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