Chatboard Questions


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I tried to play Civilization using the chatboard but I encountered a few problems...

It's terrible slow (a keypress takes about half a second or so).
Is this normal?

Hmm... where is the ENTER key? Is it the YES or NO button?
Is it configurable?

After a while, the chatboard doesn't work at all - it reacts somehow,
but not with the buttons I press... sometimes it doesn't do anything, sometimes
it presses other keys...
When I try to initialize (activate it) a second time, the GP32 crashes...

Any idea?

Thanks for your help :)
After a while, the chatboard doesn't work at all - it reacts somehow,
but not with the buttons I press... sometimes it doesn't do anything, sometimes
it presses other keys...
I can't help you with most of your questions 'cos I've not really used the chatboard much in castaway, but here's some tips to keep the chatboard working -

Don't press shift+space because this toggles the chatboard between numeric and alpha modes.

Don't press yes or no because this switches back to numeric mode.

Don't press backspace more times than you've press other keys - the chatboard keeps a count of keys pressed, and if backspace is pressed more times than other keys the chatboard switches back to numeric mode because it's input buffer is empty and it assumes the phone (which it believes it is connected to) will have switched itself out of sms mode.
When I try to initialize (activate it) a second time, the GP32 crashes...
Don't press sms (or whatever castaway uses as an activation key) to reactivate it because I'd guess there's a bug in castaway. Use the shift+space method instead.
just wondering (as I have been thinking about getting a chatboard), how easy is it to actually type on them? Can you fit your fingers on like a keyboard?

I commute to uni every now and again and was wondering if it would be possible to type actual essays on them, using wind-ups I suppose. If the slow response is a universal problem I might not bother.

The chatboard is fairly easy to type on, and it's not slow (that just seems to be a castaway problem). The only problem is you need to find something to rest the gp32 on 'cos it's very difficult to type and hold both at the same time :)
Ah, okay.
I guess the problem was pressing the YES and NO keys in order to find the ENTER key. :)
Thanks a bunch, I'll try it again tonight :)
cheers for that.

so writining essays on it would be possible as long as you can rest it somewhere.

I never had any speed problem (though when the chatboard is active, don't mess with changing the clockrate. I think that'll confuse it) .. pressing a key always reacted immediately for me. Does this hit others?
