Zodiacgmers Whine About Be Criticised


PSP pwner
Mar 9, 2004
Southampton/Ashley Green
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seems the clever people over at zodiac gamer have caught wind of the anti zodiac feeling that seems to eminate from the boards,

check out this thread to see them name calling and whining when people accuse them of having a lame community!

The irony...
No, they don't whine, they take into account what we say and reflect upon it. By doing that they are alreadya lot more mature than you have just proven to be; in fact, I don't see more GP32-bashing in "their" thread than Zodiac-bashing in "our" thread.
I started that thread on ZG to show them how silly we look to other people. I visit both boards and this one seems more civil to me I just wanted the ZG people to straighten up their act. It seems to be working sofar. :unsure:
Why do people keep posting crap about the zodiac and their forum??? This is a gp32_console forum right? am i missing something here??
Because they pay our developers to leave us and if they don't want to they give them CodeWarrior too :).
CrazyDesi posted on Apr 30 2004 at 06:05 PM said:
Because they pay our developers to leave us and if they don't want to they give them CodeWarrior too :).
They dont pay our developers to leave us.

I dont know how you could twist all that arround to make it seem like that.

First, they are not OUR developers. We do not own them.

Second, most dev'rs dont want to fork out the extra cash to get a new handheld just to make games for another community. So they simply help the dev'rs out on this aspect.

Same thing that game and hardware companies do with magazine and review companies. They simply provide them with the games or hardware needed to do they what they do.

And finally, just because they entice a developer to do a bit of work for them, doesnt mean the developer cant do work for the GP32 too, he/she is a free agent, there is no law saying you can only dev for one platform.
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Akuma no Houkon posted on May 1 2004 at 01:12 AM said:
CrazyDesi posted on Apr 30 2004 at 06:05 PM said:
Because they pay our developers to leave us and if they don't want to they give them CodeWarrior too :).
They dont pay our developers to leave us.

I dont know how you could twist all that arround to make it seem like that.

First, they are not OUR developers. We do not own them.

Second, most dev'rs dont want to fork out the extra cash to get a new handheld just to make games for another community. So they simply help the dev'rs out on this aspect.

Same thing that game and hardware companies do with magazine and review companies. They simply provide them with the games or hardware needed to do they what they do.

And finally, just because they entice a developer to do a bit of work for them, doesnt mean the developer cant do work for the GP32 too, he/she is a free agent, there is no law saying you can only dev for one platform.
;) Nail on the head BAM your right akuma :)
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kotd posted on May 1 2004 at 03:26 AM said:
Why do people keep posting crap about the zodiac and their forum??? This is a gp32_console forum right? am i missing something here??
Correct hence the original was in the off-topic forum where this thread should be...
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spray posted on Apr 30 2004 at 11:15 PM said:
seems the clever people over at zodiac gamer have caught wind of the anti zodiac feeling that seems to eminate from the boards,

check out this thread to see them name calling and whining when people accuse them of having a lame community!

The irony...
dude, like give it a rest >_< why do we always have to measure ourselves to the zodiac ppl? I mean our systems are TOTALLY different, and why should we care? I'm happy with my gp32, I have made my choice :)
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dude, like give it a rest >_< why do we always have to measure ourselves to the zodiac ppl? I mean our systems are TOTALLY different, and why should we care? I'm happy with my gp32, I have made my choice

Not exactley a new thing though is it? Its been around as long as Video games

Spectrum v C64
Nes v Master System
Snes v Mega Drive
Amiga v Atari St

The list goes on and on. People like slagging of rival systems, simple as that. I see no harm in it as long as the board doesn't get bogged down by it. Personally If I could afford it I'd have both Gp and Zodiac :)
Mosch posted on Apr 30 2004 at 11:25 PM said:
No, they don't whine, they take into account what we say and reflect upon it. By doing that they are alreadya lot more mature than you have just proven to be; in fact, I don't see more GP32-bashing in "their" thread than Zodiac-bashing in "our" thread.
Totally agree with you mate :)

Both communitys should live side by side in harmony after all there are some great developers out there woking on cool stuff for both platforms, considering in they've got similar architecture that can only be seen as good for both.

Whats great about this community is in general everyone gets along :D

peace :P

edit Akuma no Houkon your coment very well put as usual ;)
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Memnoch posted on May 1 2004 at 11:44 AM said:
That thread seemed fairly mature to me.
yup.......that thread was pretty good actually. i thought the zodiac people were trouble free as they have basically an amazing system, but it seems they have pretty much exactly the same problems as us (worrying about the future of their system)

on a side note :
send it to spam
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Read the entire thread, they where very amicable from what ive seen. But I still wont be getting a zodiac because of:
  • The negative people
  • The fact you have to pay for stuff
  • The battery
  • I need money for beer
I probably wouldn't get one even if I could afford it.

The reason being that I bought my GP for emulation, it lived up to my expectations. Now we have thepromise of even better emulation I am entirly satisfied with what I have. However if I ever needed a PDA I would probably get a Z because it's a decent PDA AND a good games system.