Zxgp32 Beta 4 Released


Mar 16, 2003
I have just uploaded Beta 4 of ZXGP32.

It is now using my ARM Assembly Core so it runs fullspeed with (48K) sound at a battery friendly 66Mhz (some games run fine at 40Mhz!).

It supports both 48K and 128K spectrums with all op-codes supported including all undocumented ones.

See the read-me file for further info.

Thanks to Christophe Lennard for the icon.

It's available at the following link: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/daves_...ds/ZXGP32B4.zip

This is great news :o , This is the only speccy emulator i use on the GP and is the best imo. I still have beta 3 on one of my SMC`s, But i never believed i`d ever see an update to it and a cool one at that. Thank you very very much Dave. :)

By the way, I had to break the savestates from Beta 3 to Beta 4. :(

Apologies for this and if there is any demand for it I will write a quick conversion program as there's nothing worse than losing hard earned progress in a game.
I will download this when I get out the office -
I will let you know if I can break it

although that would be a shame after the work you have put in :lol:

great emu, been playing Juggernaut (a fav of mine) on it..

question if i may....
any chance of being able to pick Kempston or assign keys to the stick and A Button or is this not pos?

Poobik The Hare posted on May 18 2005 at 08:54 PM said:
great emu, been playing Juggernaut (a fav of mine) on it..

question if i may....
any chance of being able to pick Kempston or assign keys to the stick and A Button or is this not pos?


I'm having problems also :(. It mentiones in the readme about selecting Joystick and A to select Kempston. Not sure what I need to do with the Joystick.

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The emulator automatically maps the GP32 joystick and button A to be a Kempston joystick so as long as you select Kempston in the game then all should be okay.

There are a couple of games that don't support kempston so I will in a future release add support for mapping the joystick to keys which will cover Sinclair, Cursor and user defined key input.

Working on 128K sound at the moment though.
Dave18 posted on May 20 2005 at 07:21 AM said:
The emulator automatically maps the GP32 joystick and button A to be a Kempston joystick so as long as you select Kempston in the game then all should be okay.

There are a couple of games that don't support kempston so I will in a future release add support for mapping the joystick to keys which will cover Sinclair, Cursor and user defined key input.

Working on 128K sound at the moment though.

apologies for not making my point easy to understand.
when I said pick Kempston or assign keys, I meant... is it possible to offer the kempston option (as the emu already does) or be able to assign keys of the users own choice in stead of the kempston option. and as you have already answered, many thanks.
I look forward to that release and being able to play Jumping Jack ;-)
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