

Aug 31, 2010
Sligo Ireland
JUst wondering why there seems to be no zx81 emulator in the Repo anymore 

I think this was the ony emulator for that machine Sz81 V1.0.0.0

Does anybody know where it could be found?

It is removed from the link provided.
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JUst wondering why there seems to be no zx81 emulator in the Repo anymore 
Because the ZX81 sucks and no one wants to mess with whatever it had to offer. Edit: Forgot to add this: :p

I would also like a ZX81 emulator, since this is a part of computer history I never got to experience.  Too bad the Pandora keyboard is so much better.  That might water down the experience.
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Ever play Mazogs or Fungaloids

They don't suck honestly.

Was the first computer I ever bought.

The Pandora keyboard would enhance the experience.

If anybody knows where the above mentioned one could be found I would be grateful.
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Fuse is a zx Spectrum emulator which I have,

Zx81 was the forerunner of the Spectrum.

Look up Mazogs or fungaloids on utube
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Fuse is a zx Spectrum emulator which I have,

Zx81 was the forerunner of the Spectrum.

Look up Mazogs or fungaloids on utube

sz81 doesn't look difficult to compile. Very few dependencies (only SDL in fact), and obviously very portable code looking at the devices supported.
I am surprised that so little interest in this,as the zx81 was the first home game's machine

Anybody interested in a little bit of lite coding?
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I am surprised that so little interest in this,as the zx81 was the first home game's machine

Anybody interested in a little bit of lite coding?
Well it wasn't the first there were plenty other big ones before( TRS-80, Apple II, Atari 400/800...etc).  the ZX81 was notoriously hated in the US for the bad keyboard, I know I had one.
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I still have SZ81 (was a ZX80/81 owner back in the day too!), I remember that the D-Pad wasn't mappable to the ZX81's keys from within the emulator, making many games very tricky, especially the many that used cursors, virtually impossible on the Pandora, being keys 5,6,7,8 and 0!

There is a file that can be created and edited to map keys to the D-Pad as I posted aeons ago:


If someone is going to update a port of SZ81, making sure the keymapping function works in assigning a game's keys to the main Pandora keys or D-Pad is pretty essential, given how tricky using the upper row is.

I'm completely ignorant of the alchemy involved in porting, but there's a recent multi-Sinclair emu I've noticed on Raspberry Pi, that might be worth consideration if it's feasible, ignore if not!

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PtitSEb This would be awesome as this is nearly the only emulator I dont have
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