ZX Spectrum Next

Whoaa... 600 Euro's plus shipping. I'll just keep my old Atari's and Amiga's.
This is really cool, but yeah I can't afford it. I'm happy that people are pursuing projects like this instead of just bluetooth keyboards with Spectrum branding.
Ah right no problem, thought I'd missed some kind of pre-order notice.
I did read that they want to launch at at the original Spectrum price ( £175 )
I hope they can be in and around that price !!

Yeah I heard/read that somewhere too but can't remember where.


Seems even better value too that there are an extra 42 cores that will run on it.
Looks like they created a poll on FB for Perks:

ZX Spectrum Next public group - Facebook.png
Woah! A quarter of a million quid - that's a big goal. Or about 1500 computers sold in a month or so at the base level. That sounds like a reasaonable final number of units sold to me for the sort of project I took this to be, rather than the sort of thing needed to kickstart production, but if they can achieve it then more power to them!