LFS is incredibly informative, but it’s quite a bit off the bat. It’s very good, but definitely doesn’t teach you about Linux in an embedded environment such as the Pyra. Most importantly, you won’t learn about the boot process of an embedded Linux system. While every SOC behaves a little differently, they are all quite similar in how they boot.
When a SOC starts up, the first code to execute is the bootROM. The bootROM is also referred to as the primary bootloader. It is typically hardcoded into the silicon and the behavior can be determined from the SOC reference manual. The bootROMs function is to locate, load and execute a secondary bootloader which configures the system. Often this behavior is somewhat configurable through boot configuration pins or fuses (you either burn into one-time-write registers or the device reads pins at boot).
In the case of the (OMAP5) Pyra, there are three stages of bootloaders. The primary stage is configured to first check the left SD card slot, then the eMMC, for a bootable SPL. If it finds one, it loads this image into on-chip RAM and begins executing. This phase is considered the secondary bootloader and is crucial for this architecture. This is loaded into preconfigured RAM which resides on the chip. This stage configures basic necessities of the platform (power, DRAM, serial) before loading the third stage bootloader (U-Boot) into DRAM and jumping to this location. Once the bare necessities have been configured by the second stage bootloader, the third stage takes care of the rest and handles properly starting the Linux kernel.
Resources teaching about Linux on x86/amd platforms often won’t teach you much about the boot process because it is typically handled out of the box by standard bootloaders such as GRUB. The BIOS or UEFI handles most of the hardware interaction on this sort of system, whereas on an embedded system the boot process requires a bit more handholding.
I think the Pyra is a wonderful platform to learn how all this works since it is all out in the open. To learn more about how the Pyra boots, check out my (in progress but functional) version of the Pyra U-Boot below. The best place to start here is reading board/dragonbox/omap5_pyra/board.c and include/configs/omap5_pyra.h. And the best way to learn about the boot process is to modify and play with the bootloader