Youngest Gp32 Player?

im only 17 and i can play beat the first lever ov SMB3 :)...
wait a minute...
never mind...
When I was five I tended only to play computer games like Wolfenstein 3d and Commander keen. As well as just about every Apogee game ever released. They were like my Nintendo :P
When I was five, Frogger and Galaga were released in the arcades.

A friend of the family we used to visit on holiday had a Pong style games machine that had 5 games on it - "Squash" and "Football" were variations on classic Pong with rather obvious modifications. It also had a lightgun game (the target to shoot was a white dot - hardly Time Crisis 3 :D ). They also had a fruit machine (with an actual arm (as in one-armed bandit)) that took coppers.

The first home system I played on more than once was a Vic-20 (Pole Position (no not *that* Pole Position)), then an Atari VCS (Space Invaders, Atari Combat! and Asteroids) aged about....erm....7 or 8 I think (a looooong time ago!). My child minder's husband had both (he was loaded).
My story is not as cheerful, guys.

When I was five, my little brother Jesse wasn't born yet, but two or three years after he was born, he'd watch me and my other brother playing Super Mario Brothers on the N-tendo. He'd watch for a little while, and then would get super-anxious waiting for his turn, so eventually after all the whining and crying, we'd hand the controller over. AND HE WAS GREAT! Almost jumped over that first damn goomba every time!

It got to be so tiring, we'd hand Jesse the spare controller just so he'd think he was playing, and then we'd have to try really hard to pretend we weren't having fun. Because the kid was smart, obviously.