You Really Should Be Using Virtual Desktops

HEY YOU !! LOSER !! The default combination is ALT+CTRL+DPad UP/DOWN, NOT LEFT/RIGHT :p
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not after you put the desktops in a single row in the taskbar widget !
but this is not told in the article... and anyway, if 4 desktops are added in the default configuration you have to use all four directions to switch between them
Actually at the first read I didn't connected the 2 things, because left and right wasn't working form me, and I did't tought that putting the desktops in horizontal was changing this behaviour...
not after you put the desktops in a single row in the taskbar widget !
The instruction at the top should reference up and down as it's normal to try the instruction when you come to it. After you show us how to change it to right and left, then it's OK to use the right and left. The problem is that it leads to the impression that the article is out of date or reflects a different firmware revision. Not to mention that it tends to lead to confusion.
I appreciate the effort that goes into PandoraLive and I sometimes learn something useful (to me). However, I don't appreciate the style of writing in the article and think it undermines the appeal of the content. Just one readers feedback.
Come on guys, relax. I thought it was pretty funny :)

BTW. He didn't even write it himself. He hired a ghost writer from the UK who is currently in short supply of money.
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I appreciate the effort that goes into PandoraLive and I sometimes learn something useful (to me). However, I don't appreciate the style of writing in the article and think it undermines the appeal of the content. Just one readers feedback.

WOuld 'nt it be rather boring if I just described the process of adding and using virtual desktops alone ? Nobody would have read it probably :)

Not to mention that it tends to lead to confusion.
The flow of the article is :

- why you should use virtual desktops

- demonstration

- how to set it up on your Pandora

I don't understand where the confusion could come from - if you follow my instructions, from start to finish, you will end up with virtual desktops you can switch with right/left on the Dpad.
Virtual desktops was one of the first things that really stood out for me when I first used Linux, very useful feature and surprised hasn't been adopted by Windows or OSX thinking about it
You seem to be very aggressive... I want to punch you...  :huh:   :angry:

Although: Thanks, I never use the other desktops... I usually forget what is in them.
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Not to mention that it tends to lead to confusion.
The flow of the article is :

- why you should use virtual desktops

- demonstration

- how to set it up on your Pandora

I don't understand where the confusion could come from - if you follow my instructions, from start to finish, you will end up with virtual desktops you can switch with right/left on the Dpad.
Nobody does that. I remember in elementary school being handed a double sided sheet of instructions to follow where the last instruction was to just hand the sheet back in without following the previous 99 instructions. Out of a class of like 25, I think only like 2 or 3 students bothered to read the entire sheet before starting. I'm not really sure what the point of the exercise was other than to ensure that those students were thoroughly harrassed at the next recess.

The point is that very few people are going to bother to read all the way through an article just to find out that they can't do that. If this were something more involved, then they might read the whole thing. I'll generally read an entire book about how to do something if it's complicated, but not if it's functionality that's already built into the device and already enabled. That would be silly.

Adding a couple additional virtual desktops is helpful, but if you're happy with the number of virtual desktops, it makes very little sense to make them read the entire article before seeing how they work.
Im probably capable of understanding the bulk of it whilst being fly-swatted across the face too, but do we really want to incipit such a behaviour?

The tone of voice can also be that of more impartiality. For example the "i am the only one contributing to ppsspp compability list" came off sounding a little wrong.
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Virtual desktops was one of the first things that really stood out for me when I first used Linux, very useful feature and surprised hasn't been adopted by Windows or OSX thinking about it
Mhhh, virtual desktops are available on OSX… I use them everyday.

I setup Adium so that its windows appears on every desktops, I have my main desktop (internet and whatever I'm doing at the moment), one desktop dedicated to audio and video players, one desktop dedicated to virtual machines, …

I just have to swipe four fingers right or left on my touchpad and there it is, I'm changing desktop!

Anyway yeah, with pandora's limited screen space, virtual desktop are really useful.
Virtual desktops was one of the first things that really stood out for me when I first used Linux, very useful feature and surprised hasn't been adopted by Windows or OSX thinking about it
Actually even in Windows you can have a similar function (and even better in some cases), but you need third party programs, like the utilities you can find on the nvidia/ati sites, or the one that's in the Sysinternals Suite (downloadable from Microsoft site itself)

Anyway in Windows is always problematic when too much things runs at the same time on the background, so I don't use them...
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