yet another stupid... thread (on porting)


Still Fresh
Jun 27, 2008
Trieste, Italy
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I'm in a wide healthcare java +jboss +jbmp +HL7 project so I know that any port needs sourcecode and how hard can it be even given that.
I've read some posts about java runtime but didn't get if a fully featured jre will be available for pandora. Then I looked around and I've noticed there is some jre for arm architecture ( so, on your opinion will pandora ever have a jvm?
For flash only gnash, isn't it? :\ Pity the 99% of cool flex or flash applications rely on version9 as3.0... This means it's like browsing with a psp, with stuck divs containing flex embeds on almost every web pages
Eventually, consider me in in any compatibility projects will take place for java / flex.

Bonus question: If a jvm will be avaliable, can I install jBoss4.2 plus Seam?

p.s. that last was a joke, obviously (with 2gb ram we often get a nice permgen :D )

Well there is iced tea java - which is open source, I guess that could be ported.
Do you want Java SE or ME?

Since you also talk about flash, I assume you want Java SE for running applets. I don't think many sites use applets anymore though, so I'm not sure porting Java SE for this purpose is worth the effort.

Java ME is designed for mobile devices and I think it could run very well on the Pandora, since it runs fast on phones with less memory and slower CPUs. It would allow people to develop games without having to learn C++.
mth said:
Do you want Java SE or ME?

Since you also talk about flash, I assume you want Java SE for running applets. I don't think many sites use applets anymore though, so I'm not sure porting Java SE for this purpose is worth the effort.

Java ME is designed for mobile devices and I think it could run very well on the Pandora, since it runs fast on phones with less memory and slower CPUs. It would allow people to develop games without having to learn C++.

well no, I didn't mean a plugin to run applets on websites, just a normal runtime environment to enable swing/swt .jar files launching. I've never tried java mobile edition but I'm pretty sure it's nice anyway, good to know. I always downloaded the whole all-in-one dev-pack so I never really worried about what I get, now I was thinking at it.
Java ME does not include Swing. I don't know if SWT could be ported to it, but even if it could, existing apps might not work because they need other packages that are not in Java ME. Actually Java ME consists of a number of different profiles with different packages in them, but none of them include Swing.

The profile I was thinking about is the MID profile (MIDP 2.0), which is used on phones. It has the javax.microedition.lcdui package for GUI, which is somewhere inbetween AWT and Swing in terms of functionality.

The Personal Basis profile includes the foundation of AWT: no widgets, but the base classes, events etc are there. There are standards, such as MHP, GEM and BD-J, that extend the Personal Basis profile and have their own GUI toolkit that uses the AWT foundation but not the AWT widgets. The Personal profile includes all of AWT.

All these different profiles are a bit confusing, but roughly you can say MIDP is for phones and PDAs while Personal is for media player boxes (settop boxes, Blu-ray).

For gaming MIDP is the way to go (with M3G aka JSR 184 for 3D), while for simple apps MIDP is sufficient but more complex UIs would need Java ME Personal or Java SE.