Yet Another Smc Problem


Dec 3, 2003
Munich and Nuremberg, Germany
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Dudes, I have probs with my SMC. I haven't played with my GP32 for about a week and I wanted to play again a few days ago. I noticed that two of my four entries at the Korean BIOS (Super Plusha, Pinball Dreams, GPCinema and Free Launcher) are transparent and don't have an icon anymore. Few minutes later I've noticed that almost 60% of the stuff in the Free Launcher menu won't work anymore.

When I want to connect via the PC-Link software, I can't access the SMC, but I need so get to my ScummVM and Pinball Dreams savegames, else weeks of playing were wasted! What to do, have you an advice for me?
ah yes. I know that prob (freelauncher sucks and causes those problems).

even more, I had a totaly weird problem with fucking freelauncher: I started my GP, and booted the FL. when it showed me the games, almoust 20(!!!!) files were gone. I switched of the GP, and i turned it on again, about 10 files were back again. But then i saw it: GPjewel! This was totally misplaced, since i deleted that file a few days before, and even other games appeared as if by magic, that i also deleted a few days ago. This was the time i decided to abadon Freelauncher from my SMC and use a Replacement firmware with booting wind-ups (never had problems any more)