Yafl Theme Files


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
Visit site
Got a problem here. I am trying to make a YAFL Theme for quite some time now, but something stops me from succeeding. The homepage says the following about the theme files:

Background color(all colors 0-255 from standard gp32 palette unless stated)
titlebar color (set to 256 to make transparent)
titlebar text color
icon text color
icon text highlight color
icon highlight color (set to 256 to make transparent)
icon text background (set to 256 to make transparent)
popup box border
popup box fill
popup box text
alternative popup box text (used for alerts and selections)

OK, easy enough. Now, when you open gp32.thm for example, you see the following:


Now what woogal refers to as "path\to\font" is just the colour number 255. If I completely copy the text and just insert my Background and Selector, I get taken to the Bios Monitor.... the same happens if I enter a path to font instead of 255. I suppose the problem is with my graphics, but I just wondered if someone else had this problem?
What text editor do you use? Because notepad is a crappy one which doesn't recognise "cr" as end of line. You should use Scite or whatever oher code editor.
As people have said, use something other than notepad because that often has difficulties with text files created on linux.

You will also find that the theme you are working from is an older one which doesn't have a font (thats the reason why the last line is 255 instead of a path). An easy way to find a suitable font is to build your theme, load it, then change the font in yafl. When you've finished, your theme file will be yaflthm.cfg in gpetc, which you can then copy and rename if you want to.

btw, if anyone has any themes they've designed and wants to post them somewhere, send them to me and I'll put a page together (I could also do with a new theme myself 'cos I'm bored with the existing ones and I'm too lazy to make any more ;))