Yafl Firmware


Chop sticks Chop sticks Chops sticks
May 4, 2003
Sheffield, England
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i would really love yafl just by itself and maybe euro firmware ( for gpcinema + other commericals) mainly because i find the loading time quite slow from an auto launch. I've had many friends turn it on + then turn it off thinking it was broken because the loading was so slow. For me yafl is perfect, everything a firmware should b

i would love 2 see it as a standalone firmware as long as it loaded as Fast As Physically Possible ?
If you go to aquafish's website then there is a firmware maker so you could always make one yourself.
aquafish_ posted on Mar 26 2004 at 05:16 PM said:
wait a bit and i'll maybe update my firmware with yafl 0.3 (if there are not too many bugs...)
woogal posted :
Quite a few bugs have been fixed

:P I'm looking forward to a new Aqua Fish firmware. A firmware with YAFL 0.3 would rock
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yafl 0.3 is a very good value!
multifw 4.5 is now on my website (-> yafl 0.3, the beta version of the eufw (smaller than the first version and boot faster..) and mr.spiv's bios monitor removed )