Xreal - Most Advanced Open Source Engine Based On Q3 Engine

'Mithrildor' said:
'Derek' said:
''''Mithrildor'''' said:
Wow. 45K connection? We have 120 MB/s avaible here.
Just to give you an idea how I came to this conclusion is if your connection is indeed 120MB/s

Ok its indeed 120Mb/s avaible here in the netherlands
I never said I have 120 Mb/s , I need to be happy with 4Mb/s for, but its enough for me now, to download movies and music.

I hate to still stay off topic but you said 120MB/s in your post thats the only reason I said "if your connection is indeed 120MB/s" But all is well I wish I had a 120Mbps internet. My 25GB download might of been done already B)
'borgqueenx' said:
i got 1.5mbits...not mb's...

Mb/s = Mbps = Mega bits per second so you have 1.5Mbps or 1.5Mb/s.
ON TOPIC: @dragon Slayer: Man that would be so awesome to have a cool FPS/RPG for the Pandora. I could do some voice acting. It would be fun. Something with a big world like Oblivion would be good.
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'Derek' said:
ON TOPIC: @dragon Slayer: Man that would be so awesome to have a cool FPS/RPG for the Pandora. I could do some voice acting. It would be fun. Something with a big world like Oblivion would be good.
hehe yeah that's what I was thinking of too, an open source, op ended, non linear RPG in first person with awesome graphics and on the pandora. I been having ideas for such a game for some years now, the pandora would be the perfect system.
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'Dragons_Slayer' said:
'fusion_power' said:
At the end it is unimportant, how good the engine will look. I think it is much more important, what people do with the engine, how good they can use the engine and how good the games will be. I know some good looking open Source Engines (2D and 3D) for the PC and there never was a really "burner" game made with it. I dream of an 3D open Source game with the intense game experience "Unreal 1" gave me years ago or a Open Source Game of the calibre of "Bioshock". :)
Yes, I think we need more Single Player Open Source 3D Games. Multiplayer is nice but simple Deathmatch all the time really sucks.
If there was an open source 3D engine that would run on pandora and was C++ beginners friendly I would really make one, well actually more something like a first person adventure or rpg :P

What pandora really needs is some original games that have a long lasting appeal for single players, If I only had the right engine and enough time...

It will be the case, yesterday i took a look at irrlitch, and it run out of the box on the pandora, except a texture problem (textures not drawn). It will for sure be available soon, so you may start your game on your PC with it.
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that awesome, going to check out Irrlicht when I'm home, I hope it's not too complicated, I'm only a beginning c++ programmer and the only thing I have written so far is half my code for a reprogrammed Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (old game, need to recreate the game and its first level as an assignment for school).
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we are currently porting SuperTuxKart to irrlicht. The integrated GUI-system is very basic and gave us some serious problems, but most of them should be fixed in next irrlicht-release.
As far as I got it from Joerg, who is doing the port of the real game, programming in irrlicht is straight forward and enjoyable.
conso said:
we are currently porting SuperTuxKart to irrlicht. The integrated GUI-system is very basic and gave us some serious problems, but most of them should be fixed in next irrlicht-release.
As far as I got it from Joerg, who is doing the port of the real game, programming in irrlicht is straight forward and enjoyable.

Huh? Is Irrlicht being ported to the Pandora? Or are you just mentioning this 'by the way'?
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dflemstr, you must have missed this from a couple posts up:

Cpasjuste said:
It will be the case, yesterday i took a look at irrlitch, and it run out of the box on the pandora, except a texture problem (textures not drawn). It will for sure be available soon, so you may start your game on your PC with it.
I think this is with Irrlicht's ES 1.1 renderer, though, so I'm not sure where they are on shader support. I'm trying to learn to work with ES 2 until I get more information.
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when using irrlicht, you don't have to mess with shaders or any oGL-ES implementation. It really doesn't matter for you as the dev if irrlicht is using the es-1.1 or the es-2 backend, that's the whole point of a graphics engine with different backends :huh:

edit: now I got it, you want to learn to use oGL-ES 2 directly. Well, that's always a good thing to do ;)
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Well lets bring it back to the topic, :-)

I spent last night hacking the source and ive managed to get the application to run without crashing,etc. Bad thing s that I only get a black screen.
There a couple things that xreal is doing that opengles 2.0 doesnt support/or in the TI driver. Most of its there, Im going to keep going at it and hopefully something starts showing up on the screen.
The Pandora is going to have a good game library from the start :)

Sounds like your making really good progress, keep up the good work Pickle.
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