Xmoto 0.2.6


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
After upgrading Yactfeau this evening I felt like taking it for a spin, so I grabbed the latest XMoto source. Yeah I know, OpenGL, but I thought I'd run through it for the exercise. I needed to grab Ode from the Angstrom repo along the way, managed to add that manually and spit out a PND. A non-working PND, but it threw out the OpenGL errors I expected so it was a 'success'.

I didn't feel like dropping it at this point, so I went digging around and found this older version of XMoto ported to Maemo. The source is old, circa 2007 and apparently supports software rendering.

Maemo source: http://maemo.org/packages/source/view/fremantle_extras-devel_free_source/xmoto/0.2.6-maemo2/

Original repo: http://download.tuxfamily.org/xmoto/maemo/dists/it2007/testing/binary-armel/

Snipping a few false starts out of the story, I began with this:

# pndconfigure --with-internal-xdg=1 --with-renderer-sdlGfx=1 --with-renderer-openGl=0
Eventually it halted at
Renderer.cpp error: 'sort' is not a member of 'std'
Adding the line
#include <algorithm>
to Renderer.cpp got me past this.

Next error was related to pAutosaveReplays in GameMenus.cpp, seemed like a pretty unimportant function to let ruin my night so I took a knife to all instances of it :/ "Killing is not nice, but it works."

Which brings me to now, I am stalled at:

MPhysics.cpp:37: error: ‘dInitODE’ was not declared in this scope
This seems to be the beginning of the physics stuff, which is rather important. I'm wondering if it has to do with the ode version. I have two versions to work with here; the one from the Angstrom repo and the one from the 2007 XMoto repo. Next step (tomorrow, later in week, whenever) will be to go back and clean up the mess I made manually adding ode libraries, see if I can make it work with one version or the other. In the meantime, any insight/jeers welcomed.
The xmoto software render aways end-ups in : no font displayed on pandora. I've tried the meamo version, the psp version and the lastest desktop version.
I do have a GLES1 converted version here (not done by me but an irc member who dont have a pandora yet, sorry I cant remember his nick now) which for now only display a black screen. On first sight I couldnt find what's wrong.
The same irc member is now working on a gles2 port...
If you want find out why X-Moto results in a black screen, here is my OpenGL ES 1.1 patch: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/152908/xmoto-patches.diff, configure with --with-renderer-openGlEs=1, checkout X-Moto from SVN. The OpenGL ES port is not complete as it seems to crash when going in-game on Ubuntu, but the menu should display correctly. I got a newer patch supporting both ES 1.1 and 2.0, but not with me. X-Moto's SDL software backend is currently broken and would likely be quite slow on the Pandora.

Edit2: Here's my OpenGL ES 2.0 patch