GP32 XilinX download cable


Active Member
I already own a download cable (JTAG) for XilinX FPGAs and now I am curious if it is possible to use it on the EXT connector of the GP32. Does anybody know more about connecting a JTAG cable to the GP32 and is it possible to use the XilinX cable?
First thing to do would be to download the pinout of the ext connector and see if the connections are the same. JTAG is a standard, but plug layout isn't.

If you have software to support the ARM9 processor, then there's no reason why it shouldn't work (someone proove me wrong... go on, you know you want to!)
The JTAG pins are available at the EXT port.
I looked into that a while ago and found lots of resources on the net.
Check out DF's page, he has alot of information about JTAG.
