XFCE confusion


Oct 18, 2012
Having never used XFCE before I'm finding window management to be somewhat frustrating.  The primary issue is that a lot of the application windows are larger than the Pandora's screen real estate and I'm unable to display reach buttons or fields that are off-screen.  I've tried using the move and re-size key combinations listed in the wiki but they don't seem to accomplish anything.  With Putty, for instance, I want to select the Open button that will allow me to initiate the session to whatever host I'm trying to reach - can't do it.  Alt Space brings up the window options menu, I can select re-size to shrink the window, but when I move it afterward I still can't reach the stuff below the bottom of the Pandora screen.  I tried shift and clicking/dragging, shift F7, shift F8 - can't seem to find a way to reach the off-screen buttons etc.

I must be missing some simple step - any help is appreciated.  Thanks.
The Shift Buttons(Left shoulder button or reg shift key)  and hold left click will allow you drag the window to where you want it at least for me...

Honestly I don't use putty as command line options are easily available.. in other news we have putty for the Pandora.
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Pressing the left shoulder-button and dragging the window with the stylus (or with the nubs) always works for me. Unless the window is maximized of course. Also works fine with Putty for me ... just hold shift and click and hold somewhere on the window.
And to add to what F_Slim and TrashyMG said, you can click and drag anywhere on the window, it doesn't have to be the title bar. Just "grab" it with the L-shoulder near the bottom and drag it around until you can see the button.
Thanks guys, I knew I had to be missing something relatively simple...  Excessive Guinness consumption has taken it's toll on my frontal lobes.

It still won't let me re-size the windows so I'm assuming they are vertically fixed.
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I only learned this last week - after having my pandora for a year!!
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And to add to what F_Slim and TrashyMG said, you can click and drag anywhere on the window, it doesn't have to be the title bar.
Indeed, it generally helps if it's not the title bar as then you have more space to drag it up before hitting the top of the screen.

I thought a few months back we found that shift-dragging from the title bar positively didn't work, but I've just tried it and it works fine. Did something get patched, or am I mixing this up with something else?
I thought a few months back we found that shift-dragging from the title bar positively didn't work, but I've just tried it and it works fine. Did something get patched, or am I mixing this up with something else?
I suspect that where it "didn't work" was for showing the bottoms of windows that are too tall for the screen, which is true for the simple reason that you can't move the window far enough before hitting the top of the screen if you grab it by the title bar.

- Neelix