XFCE app.menu and panel auto-hide / NanoEmacs / xev

@peelie: as promised, I took another look at the app menu script and fixed it so that it should now work regardless of the panel auto-hide mode (please see attachment)

@ptitSeb: I'll make a proper announcement in the dev section, hopefully in a few days, maybe next weekend.

by the way: can anyone with a 1.55 firmware please try the "cut for dsp" boot option ?
(hold right shoulder button before boot)

on my machine, the kernel will not boot with that option (just a black screen).

I'd also suggest that instead of the "cut for dsp" option we should have multiple options:

boot with 4MB DSP RAM
boot with 8MB DSP RAM
boot with 16MB DSP RAM
boot with 32MB DSP RAM

All located at @86000000 (required for the TI codec binaries, I think)

DSP images compiled for e.g. the 4MB cfg will work with the 8/16/32 cfgs, and so on.

For audio applications (e.g. MP3 decoders), even 1MB should be enough, so if there's enough screen space, adding two more "1MB", and "2MB" options would make sense.

  EDIT: not a good idea since that would limit the size of the code/data/bss to less than 1MB.

   Therefore, 4MB is probably a sane, "least common denominator".

(and if Notaz is reading this (you take care of U-Boot, right?), could you pleeease
 add a feature that allows to set the default config and save/load that setting to/from NAND ? that would be quite handy!)



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