I followed these instructions
1. unzip the file into Plugins/Program directory.
2. (linux users only): create a symlink for /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 named /usr/lib/libcurl.so (run: "sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 /usr/lib/libcurl.so" in terminal)
3. Run XBMC:
3.1. Switch to MC360 Skin (or some other skin that has "Programs" Section)
3.2. Go to Games -> Applications -> Add Source -> Browse -> Program Plugins
3.3. Select Launcher and Click "OK"
3.4. Click OK Again.
3.5. Right Click on "Launcher" Icon
3.6. Choose "Add to Favorites"
3.7. Switch back to PMIII Skin.
3.8. Click on the Arrow in the bottom right corner
3.9. Choose "Launcher"
Including the symlink one (I ran the terminal line they gave)
Launcher appears in programs now. But when I select it nothing happens.
The whole process of yours were wrong.
I'm sorry I didn't explain the process so well.
- The Launcher Plugin is capable to run many applications, so there is no need to replicate it and rename it.
- If you already has the Launcher plugin under programs, you do not need to do steps 3.1, and 3.4.
- once you have "Launcher" plugin in the Programs section, you can run it or add it to your favorites (using context-menu-> Add to Favorites)
- The first execution of the Plugin forces you to add an application to launch, you can add more applications later using context-menu -> Add new Launcher.
- The Scan of the files is used only on "File Launcher" applications.
you do not need to create a file launcher if you want to launch a single program without any parameters.
- If you'll create a file launcher, the scan process will add all of the files in a specific directory with specific extension to the list of the files that can be run with the launcher.
I'll give an example:
let's say I have an application called "C:\MAME\MAME.EXE" that can launch some games called "puyo.zip", "bobble.zip", etc. in "c:\mame\roms\" folder.
using arguments -joy for joystick control.
1. I'll create a file launcher.
2. Set the application to be "C:\MAME\MAME.EXE"
3. Set the application arguments to be "-joy"
4. Set the file path to be "C:\MAME\ROMS"
5. Set the extension to be "zip"
6. Set the title to be "MAME"
When I'll click on the MAME launcher it will scan C:\MAME\ROMS folder and add all of the files named "*.zip" to the list.
When I'll choose one of the files, for example: puyo.zip from the list, it will launch:
"C:\MAME\MAME.EXE" -joy "C:\MAME\ROMS\puyo.zip"
I hope this explanation is better.
That's a better explanation on how to use it. So it appears I am unable to actually run the plugin. Because I get nothing when I select it.